Paintball CTF - You'll need the custom gametype for this game. It works with 2-16 players, it's definitely more fun with more people. It's plasma pistols only, with instant kill damage. It's pretty much a paintball capture the flag game. This is the bunker, up to 3 people can spawn inside, and the rest outside. The attackers will spawn into safety behind the dumpsters and will have to journey their way to the bunker and steal the flag. Now here's some action shots! AHHH, I ALMO5T H1T R3CONZ Teamwork is the name of this game. That's totally me scoring. Anyway, that's my map. I made this after an actual real life paintball game called "Urban Assault" in which the players had to do defend their flag while in a trailer, lolz. Thanks to my friend Michael who helped me out setting up the barriers because he plays REAL paintball, lol. BTW, Honor rule - NO CROSSING THE LINE THE FLAG IS ON. Please comment/review
Welcome to forgehub Go here for a tutorial on how to embed your pictures. You have to figure it out within 24 hours or your tread will be locked. You also need a download link to your map and gametype so that we can download it. If you need any more help, just PM me. The rules of how to post your map and what you need in your thread are here. Good luck Also, no one else needs to comment about his pictures not working or else it will be spam
Oops, your images aren't working. The best way to embed images (since is down) is to create a photobucket account. Then you can just upload your images to your account and the copy and paste the embed or img code into this thread. No need to start a new thread but you need to get those images up ASAP.
According to the images in the spoiler above me. I like the map. it looks like a fun paintball map, I like the trailer item too. I suggest making it a bit neater but it looks fine the way it is. I suggest Ghost-Merging as an idea to help with the neatness. I would like to know if the turret at the trailer is an exit. But along the lines of the general map. I suggest, 1: Trucks, they make great items for random fillers. Possibly a truck stop like in redeyesmaster's Architecture Mastery List. 2: Making the "Trailer" an actuall trailer. Usng Barrel Smalls as the tires. You could raise it, then turn it in to a trialer with a door, a few other things and that would be beautiful. 3: A Martyrdom pillar also from redeyesmaster's Architecture Mastery list used above. It is a great building structure. Thanks, Stealth9Sneaker