
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DieHardAssassin, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by DieHardAssassin



    Save on Bullet Gametype
    Hub of the Dead

    As shown, this map is a nuclear reactor plant in the middle of the Sahara.

    There are several different rooms you can take cover in, and the zombies will be spawning around, below, and above you.

    You will find no weapons on this map, however there is..
    active camo
    custom powerup

    The objective is quite simple, stick together, and hold off the zombies until you run out of ammo.
    If you see a teammate die, don't be afraid to take their ammo, they don't need it anymore.

    Humans will spawn in a broken down train car

    Zombies will spawn in various locations throughout the map, likely on top of buildings.

    The cross is a constant reminder of your final resting place

    This is an inner view of the destroyed building, where you will find the custom powerup for added speed. Be careful here, zombies spawn all over the place.

    This building is ideal to hide in if you want to be able to shoot at zombies, while only allowing two entrances point.

    The garage, once again, one entrance point, a broken roof acces point, but a narrow building, allowing for shotgun use.

    The warehouse. It is very large and open, with a turret on it's roof. Ideal for an entire team to hold out. Countless entrances into this one.

    The inside

    Here is the lean-to, you will find the active camo here. It is off on its own, so make sure you aren't seen as you go here.

    One other possible place to hide, is the cross, for some reason people enjoy trying to survive by it.

    Enjoy the map.

    #1 DieHardAssassin, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    That is probably the only issue that I can see. You never want to do this with infection because what happens if 10 or so humans crowd around this entrance? If your answer was "They kill the zombies" then you are wrong. They kill the zombies until the zombies quit from frustration.

    Besides that one issue, the map is great. I would suggest taking out the single cross and try building a small graveyard or something.
  3. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He is correct, everything is awesome but that one room that everybody would camp in. I personally love the round structure, it looks cool. Nice job overall though. - 9/10
  4. Echelon

    Echelon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The image with the elite and cross is nice, good work.
  5. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Note: The building with one access, has had a piece of the roof moved around, there are now two access points. By the way, that building is smaller than it looks.

    Previous link replaced
    #5 DieHardAssassin, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  6. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your picture who you said they have just one entrence . You needmore entrance because its going to be to easy to win in this house !
  7. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    i like that you placed the cross so that it would be in line with the sun. nice touch
  8. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    The cross kind of ruins it for me... Religion does not belong in halo.
    Good luck in the competition though!
  9. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    The cross really isnt for religion its more for a graveyard...atlest thats what i thought it was for.
  10. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for figuring that out, being it is halloween right around the corner...

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