This isn't to bump, but would anyone want to see a V2 of this map, if so, I will need some help with some things
I reckon you should change its so the humans are the animals and the zombies the humans(people with guns) so that if you hunt and kill they turn into a human. its unfair if you have a sniper and all they can do its run around wacking walls with a sword till a grav lift comes, but then someone snipes the lift....., so change the zombies to the human buildings with guns and the humans to the safari with swords.
I was thinking the exact same thing, also: maybe limit the humans stock to safari-esque weapons. Like a BR, sniper, and magnums.
looks quite good, i dont think ammo rooms are a good idea because it causes camping, making to hard for the zombies, but besides that it looks fun, o ye bigger pics would b nice.
I played this and it got boring after the first time playing it. The zombies just hid behind a wall until the grav lift spawned and then it was over from there...
Why would you be shooting zoo animals!!!!!!!!! It should have been named. "Kill all animals on the zoo"
I hate to say it, but it really looks bland. 'Course I never was that much of a fan of Infection maps. Anyhoo, the construction looks solid, keep it up.
Thanks sexy dude, my friend and I thought this one up I would put his gamertag but he has yet to set up his internet in his new home. By the way Bacon how did you beat yourself in a contest?