Survival Horror What is Survival Horror? Survival Horror is an Infection type map made on Blackout, one of the new maps from the Legendary Map pack. It is kind of played out like the upcoming game Left 4 Dead. The map is littered with fusion coils so the humans can easily dispose of the infected, I mean come on, whats a human base with zombies attacking without big explosions? How do you play? Well, you start out with 4 human players, and 5 infected players. The human players have a base on the side of Blackout with the BR tower, and the infected players spawn on the other side, by the sniper tower. The human players start out with Magnums and SMG's, both with little ammo. The Infected start out with just energy swords. Humans also have 3 lives. There are multiple types of weapons for the human players to use, although you should save your ammo, because all the weapons have very low ammo. Where can I download Survival Horror? I have been working on Survival Horror since the map pack came out yesterday. I'm still working, and plan to have the first version of the map and the game variant up for download tonight, or tomorrow evening at the latest. Do you have any pictures? Armory Overview Human Base Additional Info Please note that this is only a first version of this map, your dislikes/concerns with be taken care of in the new versions that are to come. Please do not be too harsh, as this is the first map I've ever posted here.
I'm taking them now. Patience. EDIT: Just uploaded them. They were rushed, sorry, I'll take better ones when I'm 100% done.
I lost my internet all day yesterday, I couldn't work on it at all. It's back now though. How do you embed the pictures?