this map was made as an antigrav lift fun to make a gametype with random weapons on slayer and have a ffa. balls drop in too to make a little more hectic map: Code: Images:
I see the concept here, and I like it. I didn't know what it was at first, though, due to the first pic being misleading. Could we also have some more pics of gameplay? Although some of the walls seem crooked, it seems very neat and well done. One question, though, can you drive the Scorpion at all?
if you make your gametype 75% gravity then you get to the tank but regular game type you can't but get close to it kida of a tease. I will load gametype but simpsons was on.
Awesome map! Downloaded and played with my bro, and was a lot of fun! We found that fiesta-style random weapons, 10 meter enhanced radar, 3 second spawns, no penalty for suicides, and grenade regeneration offer the best fun. After a few lives, getting a new weapon is as simple as holding the RB as you fall. I like how the scorpion is pretty pointless, but you can destroy it with a spartan laser or with plasma grenades to send its flaming hunk on a splatter rampage. Kills and deaths don't matter at all, cause the golf balls frequently splatter you, randomly being either a kill or a suicide. Still, the crazy hectic fun that should be in a mini-game map is definitely present, and I can't wait to try this at a LAN party with more than 2 people... (One final comment: while the forging is a bit sloppy, it actually improves the gameplay, because it increases the randomness of your falling, and you can actually perch yourself near the gravlifts or up on top with luck/skill, which may or may not be safer than just going with the flow.)
yea me and a friend are working on making it better one idea we set up was cap the flag, flags where at the bottom cap zone next to where balls come out, barley reachable but can still cap. Then we had a fun time doing multi flag and single flag the enjoyment of meleing someone witht he flag in the air lol. I hope to be updating it soon.
You should put in your post how it works, because I myself cannot tell simply from 2 pictures and a tiny non-descriptive sentence. Too me it simply looks like a grav lift, not an anti-grav lift.
i would put video but don;t have the right tools to do that. Basicly it you are flying constantly going up and down. Idk hard to explain just fun map to play.