Some pics taken in the last year, found them pretty cool so I thought I would share :] Fresh Powder's Spoiler Fresh Powder Reduex Puppy Face (With Story) Spoiler Story: Our rescued dog, Kona. We found her on a trip to the desert. I thought it would be fun to go to the bathroom in the sewer, and heard whimpering when I got down there. I looked to my right, and In the tunnel was Kona, covered in fleas, scarred. We took her to the hospital with the thought of putting her down, if she had parvo. We arrived at the emergency animal clinic roughly an hour later, she came back negative for parvo. Although she had an incredible temperature of 102. She overcame her illness, and found a place in are home, although she has a couple "Loose Screws in the Head" from her fever. She couldn't be a better dog, we were extremely lucky. DA Link :]
oh so these werent recent..? cause i mean snow.. right now.. im in north idaho and not much snow here :/
it snowed here today and im in reno nevada! but i really like the first one and the puppy one great work
lol, I'm in Alaska and it hasn't snowed one bit. Touching story about the dog, though, and beautiful dog.
Thanks dude, haha. Its a German Sheppard mix, and Kona really doesn't mean anything, a week before we got back from kona Hawaii, so we named her that