Website design for yearbook

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Knight Kninja, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Went for simplicity.. the text under the group photo would be names of each of the team members..

    also FYI when i do photoshop designs of sites, you gotta picture everything beyond the image being the solid background colour.. i only do the content and just pretend like the rest is there :p

    anyways, yeah that's what i did.. obviously not done, but since its not a priority, i'll see how far it gets, hopefully something along the lines of this can be published.

    also, saved as a .jpeg for faster load, so sorry for the low quality
  2. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Very nice, love the simplicity. I Dont think that borders for the text boxes and such are needed, being like it is now, it all flows.

    Id add more but im heading t bed so tomorrow ill tell you more.
  3. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    how do you code this graphic to work though?
  4. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    I like the simplicity, but the thing that disturbed me the most was the header. The color is too bright, creating eye sores since it is placed in front of a dark background. Also, find some way to divide the "Update" from "miss tibbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" because when I first looked at it, I thought the content was related. I didn't realize it was different until I read the Title.

    Other then that.. it looks great! It's very simple, sort of like a portfolio design.

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript...
    #4 Miraj, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  5. loshon

    loshon Ancient
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    Yes, I'd definitely change the header. Also, ad some reflections to something. That should make it look very professional, especially with something this minimalistic.
  6. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    thanks guys, miraj and loshon, i made those changes, though i didnt do anything about the separation of "miss tibbs!" section
  7. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I like the simplicity, and the color scheme looks pretty good so far. The one thing I would say is that there isn't enough indication as to which item has been selected in the navbar (I know the text appears under each item when it is moused over, but it seems like the color should change or there should be some kind of lightened area to represent the button.)
  8. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    mm good point kratos.. maybe i'l have the main link darken on rollover
  9. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Possibly add experiment with gradiented background?
    Like have a 10px width on each side and your current website layout on top of a gradient that starts lighter and ends up being a bit lighter than black. Then to make the website pop put a 2-3px boarder around what you have already.

    But otherwise I like the simplicity of it, it looks nice but I think the gradient pop would look even nicer on it.

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