I got out of Uplift Reserve today and was talking with one of my friends who was in the game with us was wondering if there would be a scarab gun somewhere on the level. We found a magical onion ring (part of the space elevator) and was wondering if there was anything in there. There are multiple buildings out somewhat and they could be there. About the banshees, by the first unmanned ghost there is a puddle where banshees fly low to the ground that might be able to hijack then fly up somewhere. If you can find anyway, post a film.
Nope, ODST certainly can not hijack or drive banshees in general(except for that one level in campaign where you kill the scarab, but that's the only level where you can fly them). I've had a working banshee crash in front of me without the driver, and I still couldn't fly it.
Yeah, I have seen lots of unmanned banshees crash on the rooftop at the end of NMPD HQ, but none of them can be entered. Or maybe it only works if the banshee's windshield thing is up?
Once when i was doing uplift reserve a banshee got stuck against the wall. The brute was trying to get the banshee unstuck and I walked right up to it thinking "oh sweet a banshee! this level's guna be easy as hell now!" but alas i still could not hijack the banshee
Maybe it's like that one level in Halo 2 where you're driving on that bridge then you have to get a banshee to follow you into a mysterious corridor. Maybe in Uplift Reserve you have to do the same thing, just get a banshee to the next loading point and then hijack quickly.