Foundry should not have more then five votes for all I'm concerned. 1) In what way is foundry more aesthetic than sandbox?? "Ooh, look at me, All my boxes are green and factory-esk looking," BORING! Sandbox offers a way to keep your map looking organized and central to one theme. Yes, I do agree, the sand look isn't the best theme out there, but I would prefer to have a map look uniform and well crafted any day than it to be a bunch of random bullshit items thrown together in a small room. There are PLENTY of items to make your map look unique on sandbox, look through your menus and be creative with them. 2) Back to the small room, Have you seen Sandbox? It offers three levels of customization, I don't care whether or not you think that people feel "overwhelmed" by the amount of space, that is their problem, let them figure it out. If they can't handle a greater sized map, they obviously need to work on their forging. The day Sandbox came out, I was ecstatic with Ideas that would never be able to be pulled off on foundry. 3) What happens when you have a large scale map on foundry while your forging? You get crammed and have to work at strange angles to get your peices to merge correctly, while manageable, deny it all you want, you know that is annoying as hell. Lets see, have you had a problem on sandbox where you haven't been able to manuever your monitor around? To wrap it up, Foundry is Sandbox's *****. I could go on, and I will if someone wants me to.
You could still technically make that, or at least the black hole part. The other aesthetics of the map... not so much. But I think it would look better on sandbox.
sandbox vs foundry i would have to go with sandbox.. some reason tho it has MANY flaws. sandbox has three tiers of heaven and foundry has one floor of well not hell.. but not as good as heaven........ now to the items .. sandbox has alot more than foundry but its missing the basics.. like doors and bridges.. i just dont get it but people are saying they 'dont hav the feel for sandbox forging' and i dont know wat is making it boring.. also for me sandbox forge is fustrating cuz that stupid duble wall wont go where i exactly want it to be.. (its pretty hard to explain ) sandbox glitches... **** YOU BUNGIE!!! ..i was forging one of my maps one day and all the defalt canvas items that are already on the map glitch.. Its either: 1. wen i interlock a default item it glitches causing it either disapeering late or wen it apears bck from being interlocked its in another spot???? wtf! OR 2. i was putting a default canvas rocket launcher in my map to aviod budget glitch.. right ??????? wrong!! u shouldnt use deafault canvas cuz they glitch in many ways that will want u to punch ur xbox then throw it out ur friggin window. the first time i move that rocket launcher and then save it glitches so i cant move it again and if i do in forge it doesnt register for custom games. so im stuck with an uneven rocket spawn.. with im lucky cuz its not that uneven.. hardly noticable.. but 4 for some reason it pissis me off. oh ya also. y isnt the bottom tier of sandbox's walls straight.????(the bottom part of the walls) sandbox has many flaws so if ur one of those people who get mad easily u should choose foundry over sandbox. its that simple
Again, most of what your saying is an opinion people can agree or dissagree with many of your statements based on what they think. Example: Foundry is sandboxes *****... to you. BORING!.... maybe to you. Sandbox offers a way to keep your map looking organized and central to one theme... True for both depends on how you use the items... and lastly, I don't care whether or not you think that people feel "overwhelmed" by the amount of space, that is their problem, let them figure it out. If they can't handle a greater sized map, they obviously need to work on their forging... Ever had the idea that maybe the maps they could have made on foundry could have been put off for sandbox, therefore since you said foundry is smaller, making the map they had in mind could be way to small compared to the size of sandbox creating a sort of mental block on what to add or to just scrap the map comletely. You had good points but from my view you shouldnt look at it like that.
I guess Sandbox is better, because the one-up'd almost everything in foundry. But hardcore forgers seem to perfer Foundry cause no one else forges on it ;D.
Well, I'd probably say Sandbox since I haven't tried Foundry for forging, but I can definitely say that one of Sandbox's key weaknesses (imo) is the lack of movable scenery, like barrels and junk. Nothing to add character to a cookie-cutter map apart from interlocking convolutions. On the other hand, Sandbox is way too versatile to ignore. And you can get Banshees. Therefore, teh awesums.
Sandbox is bigger has a flippin underground sanctuary and you build stuff in the sky(the sky bubble is bigger than foundry).
i prefer sandbox but if i want to make something in an enclosed area that it isnt very high then i like to use foundry. if im building tall buildings ill use the crypt
Foundry has an even mix of good and practical movable and non movable objects. This makes it great for mini games, switches, and testing ideas. Also, not all scenery looks repetitive and similarly skinned. Most objects are kept to a theme, but look different.