New vehicle: The Jet-ski

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Water? Cool. There's some great ideas for maps there. Ok let's see the scenery objects... crate, double box......dinghy? COOL! Wait, it sinks? Not so cool.

    Not anymore.

    YouTube - How to make a Motor Boat in halo 3

    Introducing... the jet-ski!!! A fast, drivable, controllable, and practical water vehicle! And it's so easy to make. It goes fairly fast, depending on how daring you are, and it requires two players to drive it. This craft is basically the second user-created vehicle, first was the flying elephant. The jet-ski uses just two very cheap objects, and I give you all permission to use it in your maps! YAAY!

    Guide/How to make/Pictures



    This design doesn't just look stupidly simple, it is! Steps on how to make this vehicle:

    1. Place a double box slightly under the water's surface, and save/end it there.

    2. Start up the map again, and place a dinghy with the engine hanging slightly off the edge of the box.

    3. Wait until the dinghy sinks and settles. (Make sure the engine is facing the general direction you want players to drive.)

    4. Place a mongoose facing the engine, and align it with the dinghy.


    How to use your jet-ski

    Both players get on the mongoose. One is the driver, the other is the passenger. To lift off, have the passenger shoot the engine a few times with his gun. (Always use assault rifles if you want a controlled and flip-free drive) Once he does this, your jet-ski will float. Now drive, as you would a normal mongoose. The passenger has to shoot the engine periodically to keep your jet ski working.

    Don't try and turn while the driver, instead have the passenger shoot either the left or right side of the engine. Left to turn right, and vise versa.

    Yes, jet skis are combat tested, and they are more sturdy than you think! Thanks! Questions? Just ask!
    #1 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  2. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Nice find! I sense a co-op jetski race coming on...
  3. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    That sounds fraking epic! I'll try it tonight; maybe make a map using them. Thanks!
  4. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Hahaah wow thats pretty badass, hopefully some people with really creative minds will put this to good use. Good find man!
  5. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    this is a pretty sweet find. ill go try it out later
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Hmmm.. how about the UNSC Dolphin, or Seal, keeping to the animal theme? JK, jetski is fine I suppose....

    Good find though, how quickly is it able to turn? I assume the turning to be rather slow...?
  7. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Nothing new. Nice try. Nice post. Nice Share.
  8. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Yes, turning is slow, but I stated not to turn in the mongoose not because it doesn't work, but that it's pretty dangerous. It's safer to turn with bullets, but possible to turn without them. I'l edit this into the post, but I warn you: it's far more practical to shoot.

    To Dthen: This has been done before? I had no idea... If that's what you meant, because you were kinda... brief. (lol)

    About the name: Vote on what it should be called! I was thinking...



    I also like Battle Boats, Scobra.
    #8 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Oct 19, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  9. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Two words:

    Battle Boats.
  10. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    People have had this idea before, I don't know if it actually worked or not, but I know that people knew that shooting them kept them afloat.

    Thanks for sharing this with the community, though.
  11. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Nice guide.

    I heard about mongooses making the dinghies drivable if there was a second person on back, but I didn't know any of the details or how to actually drive them.
  12. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    rocket race with boats?
  13. The Bloody Beetroots

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    Have ItzFuzzywig build a huge yacht. Put it out to sea. Apply 4 dinghy racers. race around to 5 checkpoints that are randomized. have the final be a fight to yacht. in the yacht there are 4 more randomized checkpoints. They are really random and can be any way. you must use many ways across the yacht. it will be hard. requires atleast three teams. 3-8 teams.

    Yacht checkpoints
    1: Engine Room
    2: Helipad
    3: Drivers Room/area
    4: Bedroom halls

    Ocean Checkpoints
    1: Far Dock
    2: Little rock in middle of ocean
    3: Dock were you start
    4: You decide
    5: you decide

    Vip is driver of mongoose.
    Other teamate is sterring person.

    Great idea yes?
  14. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    this is so amazing, me and my friend will be doing this and making a freaking race. what about sentinels, or do they have to be bullets? do brs work? how long inbewtween shots? and sarges ghosts idea sounds amazing, i would do that if it wasnt for my lack of odst. how many dingies are there? because last man standing boat arena would be amazing. and it would be hilarious to place shield doors because the gooses would get like clotheslined sort of. i can think of it now, lol.
  15. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Actually, as long as damage is being done to the dinghy, it will stay afloat. So any weapon would work, but weaker weapons work best, like the assaualt rifle. SMG's are horrid, but i think BR's would work just fine. There are 4 dinghies on longshore, and no sentinel beams.
  16. Very Lonely Kitten

    Senior Member

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    I find this to be a great idea. How fast though? I don't know how it took this long to find something out like this. Still, best idea ever!!
  17. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I don't appreciate your negativity in this thread, or any thread. I don't care if you for one know this, I'm sure many others don't, so for the love of all that is right don't double post that your feeling pissy today.

    edit: Bottom line, don't spam, and be more positive.
    #17 Seaboro Kibbles, Oct 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  18. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    My friend showed me this and we were gonna make a race track but found about a minute in, walls don't like to cooperate in that particular direction.
  19. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    What if you use a ghost for it?
    They can shoot, and they can boost. And boosting doesn't push the boat back like driving a mongoose whould. trie out NAO!!11
  20. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Excuse me?

    I think a ghost might be difficult as it's wider than a mongoose and would probably boost off of the dinghy if you tried to boost with it while on a dinghy.

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