= Ascendency v1.41 = Description This is an asymmetrical map made in the crypt. It features an array of massive vine-like structures, but still maintains a layout consisting of 2 main bases and another 2 side bases. The "vines" can be used for another way into the bases or just for an easier, yet more vulnerable route. It was designed and forged by me, with help from Prodigy X, Stoyben, Sir Toppum Hat1, and me oswald. It has 2 snipers, directly across from each other, and an active camo in its own base on the side. It has been tested, but it could use more. If you would like to help some time, send a message to the GT: DMs Vyctoriouz. Version 1.41 Changes Starting point issues fixed A couple spawns moved Territory location fixed Blue sniper easier to jump out of Weapon spawn times fixed Weapon Set Sniper Rifle x2 Battle Rifle x6 Carbine x2 Needler x2 Plasma Grenade x8 Bubble Shield x1 Power Drain x1 Regenerator x1 Active Camo x1 Screenshots Overview 1 Overview 2 Red Base Red Sniper Red Ramp Blue Base Blue Base 2 Blue Sniper Blue Sniper Interior Bubble Base (Picture shows shotgun, but its a bubble now.) Camo Base 1 Camo Base 2 Download
This map looks amazing! Even though I have never played this map, and my only experience of it are the screenshots that I’m looking at on my low quality computer monitor, and I have no idea of how the map plays except what you just told me, I’ll give you the best score possible and completely invalidate anyone else’s attempt to actually play this map and give it the score it actually deserves based on it’s playability, flow, and the skill of construction. Also this map need way more missile pods and teliporoders. JK I really enjoyed helping you on it. I remember the first day i saw it. I jizzed my pants. The map has really evolved from that first time, and the changes you made create a unique and fun map. Great map Frankie and great post.
I just Jizzed myself, and you just got a Download. That looks absoluetly amazing, and playable. About how far can you go up it?
Well, on the right side, only to the block unless you grenade jump. On the left though, you can go up and jump on top. You're not gonna do it on accident, but it is possible. I'll probably fix it in the next version, but it gets hard when there's no items left to spawn lol.
when you first showed me the layout, i thought you were insane, this shows me that anything is posable. I was pleasantly surprised how well the vine-like design make's it play. while playing i hardly felt that I would be cornered, i always had an option. It was a pleasure to help shape this map. Good to see you fixed that corner too
I downloaded, and after a quick run though on forge, I have to say that this is map is very unique in its design and aesthetics with the vine like structures and the grass hill. I've just got to say this is absolutely amazing. I really need to play slayer on this, everyone will just be so in awe of the masterful aesthetics, the won't notice I'm 4-shotin them! Nice job! Seriously, can't wait to see more of your maps.
This is incredible forgeing and it really ties into the gameplay. Personally I think a ground level sandbox map like this would be great with a banshee. I am definitly downloading this.
The double boxes arranged in an aesthetic root like fashion are amazing, just like bluejay said. looks playable. But it seems like there would never be a "balanced" BR fight, consideing the constant elevation changes. A very good map indeed, based on looks, this map gets a perfect 5/5, but gameplay is the main thing, which is why ill DL and get a game going ASAP. good job for now 4.85/5
OH MY GOD! I'm pretty impressed, it looks awesome, I seriously think this could be featured. I just love the "tree" in the middle of the map, one of the most unique thinks I've ever seen forged. And the layout of the bases also seems good. Download for sure.
heyman glad to see you posted this map after a long time 5/5 good game play great aesthetics love the vine theme.
Wow this map looks awesome! I haven't played on it or anything but I will download your map. Once i've done a forge-through of your map I will simply edit this reply and give you some feedback.. Wow, just wow..
nice job sir. way to make a crazy vine idea into a playable map you should probably finish your other maps as well.....please?
I actually qued this up for download, which is rare for me now adays. Ill be back when Ive actually played a game on it for a real review, but i have to say good lord, what a boring weapon set.
Played a couple of games on this earlier, 3v3 slayer and 1 flag, and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with this map. Stuff I liked: Overall it just flowed well as a piece, it felt thoughtfully designed when playing. From the overall balance of structures and area spacing, to main sight and passage divisions between key areas, and even down to the smaller things like proportions in smaller areas, and little touches like the stairwell in D-base which just played perfectly in its own little way. The organic feel of the geometry transposed well in to gameplay, and making a map this pretty that plays well and warrants inclusion of the aesthetic as part of the greater whole is impressive. The stone walkways played nicely and just felt very smoothly incorporated in to the map, they felt like an integral part of it as opposed to a tagged on aesthetic centrepiece. I actually really liked the weapon set, though in truth that's because it played in a very similar way to MLG (save Roche and his damned needler...) which is really where I'm happiest, and silence's comment about a boring weapon set are well founded in the wider competitive bracket in which this map falls. Some carefully chosen and placed duals could well spice up the closer quarters combat, especially in D base and even around the bottom mid areas between the stone tendril things. That said, if you were going for a more range, BR focused weapon set then you did it well. Stuff I didn't like: Whilst the stone tendrils integrated nicely in to D base as routes, and the high points weren't too overpowering, the spots high up on the geometry of D base itself that could be reached were overly dominant in my experience. Coming in to the flag area as an attacker, especially if coming in along sniper side, I felt watched from above and unable to make a tactical push or fight back. It didn't really seem like these were intentional hold points, but the restrictions placed on a player high up on the tendrils in terms of walking around the top of D-base are too weak imo. Extending the geometry of the building itself upward should hopefully remove access to these high spots. I really felt that this was the starkest knock against the map when I played it, though I did still enjoy the games as testament to the rest of the map. Spawning. I didn't really feel this was specifically weak overall, and it didn't show the lack of thought that generally goes in to a weak spawn system. It just didn't quite feel as developed as the layout, and as a result didn't quite utilise it as much as possible. In the slayer game, I found myself spawning multiple times in a row at flag, just towards bubble shield side, when the main fighting was going on just around the corner on sniper side of the flag area. I really felt that a more distant spawn was in order there. In general, it was the spawns along the two sides of the map which meet at the flag which didn't feel defined enough, and I think that extending spawning out of D base towards bubble and camo, but with a much more rigid side to side definition between the two, could improve defender respawns overall. But overall, a very well thought out and attractive design, executed nicely. The most pressing issue for me is sorting out the geometry exploits around the top so as to focus gameplay on what you've actually built, which is very nice. Tweak the spawning so it fully gels with the layout and you've got yourself a very unique and refined map, one which I'd keep on my HD for a good long while.
Beautiful seamless forging. I ran through on forge and got myself stuck between one of the 'vines' and the central structure in the middle, It's easily repeatable by sliding down the small gap there. That is the only thing I can find wrong with it. I look forward to see how this plays. Too bad it's budget glitched, otherwise I would have suggested an Atlas submission.
I got a chance to play on this last night, and I must say the pictures don't begin to do this map justice. The layout was a little confusing but the forging was absolutely perfect. The areas you created were amazing and the overall feel of the map was exceptional. There were times during gameplay where I had to stop and look at awe at parts of the map. The best way to describe this map is "beautiful". Great work, take pegasi's advice on the spawns and this map will be exceptional.
Looks amazing and sounds like it will play well too. I love how you actually integrated the vines into gameplay. This will probably stay on my hard drive for a while, good work!
I managed to get a forge through on this, and I must say, it rocks my socks off. After playing a few different games, I quickly found out that it plays a mean FFA. What a beautiful map, and I'll edit this post when I have any more input to add.
Wow! Great job. The idea of the vines was great, they look fantastic. I love how you made an aesthetic map and mixed it with some classic slayer RvB. 10/10 Forging. 8/10 Gameplay, only because it isnt original. Job well done