Zephyr By oO SLiK Oo & Flair iz NasTy Gametypes: Battle Tracks/Racetracks Story: In th 2500's Wind Turbines were all over the skies reason being that scientist believed that the higher in the atmosphere ment more wind spinds. Now that being said one scientist said "Douwnlooudzzz nouwww!" Attention: NOTHING ON THIS TRACK IS GHOST MERGED EXCEPT ONE SPOT ON THE STARTING POINT WERE THE MONGOOSES ARE. Discription: This map took me and flair about 2 months to make. Originally i was going solo on this map but then alot of stuff happend to me (SLiK) and i couldnt work on it, so i asked Rogue Shaddo to finish it and he said yea but he couldn't work on it so i asked Flair and he said sure so he made everything after the double walls all the way to the end of of the wood brigdes. But the track is amazingling built and smooth. Theres on gaint banked wave, then a bank turn, then a hill, then another bank turn, then another hill that was built by flair and S wave built by flair and An AMAZING drift turn built by flair, (Epic Win Suace). Over all its around a 35 second track. So please download or else...lol. Picture time so gather around kids! Special Thanks to... Rogue Shaddo, x DREAM 76 x, and Venom TvC. Download Links Here Download Zephyr here Download Battle Tracks here So Please download and comment thanks. Please make sure that Me and Flair get same amount of credit thank you.
I love this track... I remember you showing it to me when it was just the wave banked turn and I was still amazed. The aesthetics are awesome, that wind turbine is amazing. And I freaking love that wood turn by Flair. That's one of the most amazing turns I have ever seen in a racetrack.
That was...intense! I really wish I could give this a go and I like your humor. I wonder if some people will use death yoyo's ghost glitch in the skybubble in great amounts, especially in racetracks. But this map looks insane and the aesthetics that can be seen from the picture impress me a lot. I love that windmill, reminds me of that one music video. Sub. for a later download.
Rogue, not Rouge. I am not red or French... k? I regret not being able to work on this, but Flair did a better job than I could have, and it turned out great. Everything is smooth and fun, as is expected from you two. I had a blasty blast playing on it. Great work, guys.
You can go to hell. I'm so jealous... Anyway, great looking map, and I am downloading. I love the ascetics as well. Also, did you use the effect combination Colorblind+Juicy? I love that effect
Great job. I really like this track. It's very fun with a large party. The look of the track is spectacular! The bends a drops really put the map over the top. The ending is always fun and you never know what is going to happen during a game of Battle Tracks. Perfectly set up. I don't know what I would change. This map is a 5/5!
This map is totally epic win. Its got some of the coolest aesthetics and features ive ever seen. Im especially fond of the turbine, and I really think this map is smooth. five out of five YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive been waiting for a racetrack like this to come out, because there havent been that many lately. Ill have to dl this and give it a go, nice job you both did really well. This map looks extremley smooth, but guess ill have to dl and find out
Yeah, the turbine is pure genius. I really like how it swoops down and almost hits the track. It feels like the blade is swinging and about to chop the track in half. Great job this map deserves a feature!
This map is so awesome. The map is so smooth and the turns are good. I like how it is almost impossible to fall off. The only thing is i'm not fond of the effects, i never really like effects on race tracks, but other than that, great job. I give this map 5 stars. Really good job! Please, come out with more tracks!
wow im loving that turbine. the track is very smooth with no bumps for the mongoose and its cheat-proof that's good. overall this map is a very awesome map. GREAT JOB 00 SILK 00!
Lol ^^ Does it really matter if you used ghost merging on it or not? I dont use it except for on super difficult geomerges and even then I normally have to further geomerge it because it cant make boxes go farther than the middle point of the box =] Anyways- the map is very nice and the only thing that would make the map cooler would be that if instead of huge asthetics that you really cant see that well from the track you make some smaller aesthetics actually on the track like maybe street lights or something like that. Still- amazing map And oh lol at the guy above- he called you SILK ^^
*UPDATE* Download new version, there was a cheat and minor problems but Flair fixed it. And thanks to everyone for the support and comments .
Thanks, we're really glad you like it! We found it worked best for Battle Snipes, but the other two are eligible as well. I'm actually working on a halloween map pack currently, so I'm sure you will love that!
Yet another suhweet racetrack. To be honest, I am getting a little bored of the same kind of tracks again and again, but they are all a joy to race on. It would be nice to see a little more originality, but I guess that could detract from the quality of the map. And this track is pretty darn good in terms of quality IMO.
I've played this track many times and it's phenomenal. This is why your one of my favorite forgers Slik, you really take time and dedication when you make a map, and they are always of the best quality. You have a rep and you keep it well.