W.hat W.ould Y.ou D.o I.f rules- i would recommend that you use retail games that most people have actually heard of. if it does not qualify explain the character so someone could respond with a reasonable answer. stay on topic how it works- i will start out with a situation and you have to respond to it while yourself making a situation. then the person below you will do the same. EXAMPLE: WWYDI - samus aran came to you house and gave you here armor with an instruction manual. ________________________________________________________________ RESPONSE - i would go and show off (i duno) NEW SITUATION - bla bla bla now to start off - WWYDI - you opened the front door and saw that master chief (with out his helmet) was making out with samus.
ummm well I think this has been done, but ok here we goo WWYDI - you opened the front door and saw that master chief (with out his helmet) was making out with samus. Answer: I would most likely shut the door because thats really weird.. WWYDI - Jessica Alba gave you her invisible powers...? (no clue.. I guess it could be from a fantastic 4 game)
WWYDI - Jessica Alba gave you her invisible powers...? (no clue.. I guess it could be from a fantastic 4 game) Answer - I'd go and stalk every single hot chick in my city. Is that creepy? WWYDI - If a plumber that looked Mario gave you some shrooms?
I get to play it 10 Days Early... Close enough. Answer: I would take him to Luigi. WWYDI you knew Laura Croft?
WWYDI you knew Laura Croft? Answer :I would ask her to take me on an Adventure! ... With a gun! =D WWYDI a **** Zombie walked on your doorstep and you opened the door?
Answer: I would knife him twice cuz you get more points(assuming it's round 1) WWYDI you caught your significant other cheating on you with sgt. johnson?
WWYDI you caught your significant other cheating on you with sgt. johnson? AWNSER: Say " i don't blame you, you were blinded by his awesomeness." WWYDI sonic the hedgehog gave you a chaos emerald.
Sell it to that one guy for millions of dollars than use half the money I get to buy high tech weapons to get my chaos emerald back then I'll do whatever the **** I want. WWYDI you were a goomba
Just got ****ing jumped on by another guy today. I thought I totally had him too! I was waddling my towards him and he just ****ing jumped like 5 times my height and landed on my head! FML WWYDI if you had the ability to save and reload?
I'd reload the weekends constantly, then go back to weekdays when my gaming crave was satisfied, or I'd save summer break... And everytime i do something possibly embarresing I'd save just in case.... WWYDI you were Duke Nukem?
Sell him. WWYDI Pokemon were real? Catch 'em all is not an acceptable answer to this question. Seeing as this is a game doesn't this belong in OffTopic?