as the title says this is a jump map and it has not been beating yet. Besides forge =] if u happen to beat it in a custom game. please record and send it to my gamertag. : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
First off-Welcome to forgehub. I believe that you haven't completely read through the RULES. The main thing that you NEED!!! is at least one picture of your map. Im also supposing that you don't know how to properly post a picture, which is what THIS guide is for. Also, you may want to include a brief description of your map, etc. Good luck!
^ ah you beat me to it! anyways, I'd hope to see a pic or two of this, take a spin at it myself... BTW, enjoy your stay here at FH!
you need to embed some pictures if you dont know how i will explain for you EDIT: oops to late, have you even beaten your own map, and why is it so hard to beat