One thing that I didnt notice until now is the EXP penalty in Action Sack after quitting. I believe that the penalty is a terrible idea due to the fact that players get no reward for staying/winning, but they loose their EXP when they get bored. This has most likely repulsed a huge amount of players from playing... Action Sack is a playlist dedicated to having fun, when a player does not have fun in the game, they quit... Giving a penalty because players were not having fun forces players to go through with gametypes that they hate. It is much like giving a player a penalty for quitting Custom Games that they hate. Here are my ideas for options choose one that you would agree with or come up with your own: Option A) Simply take off the penalty... It makes everything a lot more fun and would attract more people. Action Sack was made for fun and penalties force people to play the game and hate it... Option B) Make a new category for playlists (Ranked category, Social category and then an Action Sack category) This category would not count as Social or Ranked, it would count as a custom game. There are no penalties for leaving (perhaps even being able to invite a friend if a player leaves) This option would be good because then they could have different playlists in this category such as: FFA action (FFA mini games), Team Action (current Action Sack), BTB Action Sack (8v8 mini games), Infection, etc... This is good because everyone has been asking for Infection to have a playlist. This would solve the problem and Living Dead could still be a double EXP, but Living Dead could have extra maps/gametypes.
What drives me away from action sack is the fact it doesn't give an exp and it does count as a social ruins your record for those who actually take care of it. Option B is perfect if you make it count as a custom because then I'm fine because it doesn't affect my game win/lose record.
To me, I don't care about my win/loss ratio. Obviously a lot of people do care, but that's just me. I go in to action sack just to **** around and whatnot. I don't mind loosing XP. I have lost like 110+ xp from quiting games. I guess that is just the downside of going in to action sack. The one big thing I dont like about action sack, TBH, the games suck. If they came to FH or any other forging site and looked for good games, that would be great. There are hundreds of hidden gems (and some not so hidden) deep within the map archives. If only action sack had gametypes like Infection and not just 4v4 gametypes. Then there could be duck hunt and other fun games. GunnerGrunt is trying to get conquest in to matchmaking and I think it's going in action sack sometime in september. More info in the link. Join the group to support btw.
Option C) Incorporate a Custom Games Browser in Halo 3. Not only would this most likely not include the experience penalties for quiting, unless the game developers are even more stupid, but this will allow people to play what they truly desire, or at least suggest the desired game variants to the party leader. Like any other custom match, there will still be a party leader who dictates the game variants being played. But as stated previously, the other players still can suggest game variants to the leader (and they can still delay the match countdown, lol). Like any other custom game, the party leader can end the game if the other players don't like the game variants. And as most party leaders know, it's heart-breaking to loose an entire party due to a bad game variant, so many leaders feel it's obligatory to change the game in favor of the other players. Essentially, everything I just said currently exists in regular custom games, except the actual browser. One of the primary reasons Action Sack was created was to substitute for the lack of a Custom Games Browser. Unfortunately, Bungie developers have already stated that they won't add a Custom Games Browser to Halo 3. It's also a bit too late since Halo is slowly dying everyday. Plus, the developers are already busy on more important projects to benefit their fans in the future. It would still be nice, though, to have a Custom Games Browser in Halo 3, and especially in future Bungie games.
Wow i never even knew that you lost experience for quitting. Well that sucks balls. I think your option B idea is brilliant and bungie should do that right now! Although i dont think that they will do it for halo 3, but hopefully they will for any games they make in the future
I really dont see what's wrong with getting punished for quitting. It shouldnt count as a custom because it isnt a custom. When you quit you leave your team at a disadvantage. Even in a playlist like action sack it isnt fun to have less of a chance at winning. The penalty isnt for getting bored of a game, it's for abandoning your team. That's the point of Action Sack. It isnt supposed to be competitive. If you could have a good AS record people would try hard to have a good record. When you try hard in a playlist meant to mess around your going to get mad. I barely even try in AS. If i feel like trying hard i go into ranked or Social Slayer. But when i feel like trying to get plasma pistol kills i play AS. If the playlist were full of competitive people anyone just screwing off would constantly get yelled at by the people trying. That ruins the mess-around-playlist for the people messing around.
IMO I think all the playlists need recategorising. And new playlists need to be added. DEP's should contain once in a blue moon playlists that are fun to play (the odd living dead, fiesta, brawl, team flag) all the rest should really have their own playlist. I like the idea of a matchmaking "custom game" playlist. It would really get people back into the game, more so recently i've noticed people getting bored and pissed off with the playlists atm. Theres nothing new and exciting anymore. Ranked playlists should contain their usual Social should contain the usual, plus the infection ffa option. Action Sack category should contain, FFA games playlist(like trash compactor) Team Havoc playlist(4v4v4v4, IMO THATS AMAZING! LOLOLOL) with other 8v8 gametypes, grifball (because no1 really likes playing it for DExp anymore ¬_¬) and finally, a user created content playlist, thats updated every few weeks, with maps and gametypes of all types whether its competitive casual or down right stupid!
I think option b is a great idea because I've always wanted to invite people when my team quits on me.
I don't think that they are going to do any thing because halo is a couple years old and there gonna work on reach
Why would you play Action Sack if you cared about EXP? You don't get any for playing, so who cares if you lose one if you quit? If it's that big of a deal, don't quit.
i think customs in matchmaking sounds amazing it would be great for map testing make a map go online 1000s testers?
Yeah I hate that it doesnt have exp. The option I think would be the best would be that you get exp but you could keep the penalty there. Becasue if you are playing a team based game on action sack and someone leaves then the other team would just overpower you.
The only way to make Action Sack successful is to not allow the games to count towards your games played. Many people, including me, care about their win/loss record. Since you don't get EXP, every game you play hurts your record. That's why I don't play Action Sack.