I would prefer for you to suffer and not obtain it, so you won't add on to the other thousands of people getting it, but you must enable it through Bungie.net
right what you need to do is go onto b.net and sign up and link your gamertag to your account (i take it you already know this) next step is to click on your username at the top when you sign in and it will take you to your service record. From there click on the halo 3 section of your service record where it will go into more detail about what medals you have earned and stuff. On that page there is a bit called The ROad To Recon and if you have completed all vidmasters a button will appear letting you claim your recon.
it's in your banner when you click on your service tag. Not sure which, as you can shuffle through banners, but it's in one of those.
*head desk* I said this would happen. Forums would start to be flooded with people who don't realise that to get Recon you need to activate it on Bungie.net
Wow, that's helpful. When a fellow Bungie.net member needs help, and you react this way, you obviously don't deserve to be a member of Forge Hub. I'll remember this post the next time I see you asking for help. As for the OP, you need to do just what Wasted said... I'd give a full step-to-step thing, but everytime I click Bungie.net, it won't load.
I'm sorry. I didn't realise the internet was serious business. In any case, the steps to getting it were already posted, so explaining it again would just be redundant. I guess I don't deserve to be a member of ForgeHub for not repeating what everyone else just said before me to make myself appear helpful, should I?
Lol Scobra ur a **** lol.well anyway i cant do it for reasons i dnt feel like explaining.loooks like i wasted my time but i can careless cause recon already got played out every mm game i play i play with like 5 pl with recon.i just think its stupid why they coulnt just give it to u wen u get the achievments like all the other armors
Well its nice to know you can't be asked to solve a simple problem. So I guess we don't need to tell you it is as simple as going to your Achievements page on your Bnet profile and clicking the unlock button.
Its funny cause you talk **** about something you know **** about.You need a windows live id which i dont have and cant get like i said which im not explaning,but nice try though.5/5 for effort
Stop being so damn arrogant. If you can't activate recon by means of Bungie.net, you can't activate it. End of story. There's no reason to stick around this thread and argue anymore.
Do you think Bungie will just give you Recon? hahah they don't want people to have it thats why they only mentioned it once on there forums that you have to activate it.