Shipment V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nacidous, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. Nacidous

    Nacidous Ancient
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    Shipment V1

    Click Here to Download

    Two bases are located on opposite sides of this map. It was originally created for Team Slayer but I have made it to work with CTF, KOTH, and Oddball.
    The theme of the map is a shipping company's export facility near Voi. Now that the remains of High Charity have struck into the heart of the port city quarantine procedures have been put into effect to counter the spreading flood. Thus the export facility has been put on lockdown until later orders from the UNSC who plan to use it for a base of operations concerning the issue.

    Team Slayer
    Capture The Flag
    King of the Hill

    8 - Battle Rifle
    1 - Flamethrower
    1 - Sniper Rifle(60s Respawn)
    2 - Shotgun(1 Extra Clip Each)
    2 - Turret Mount
    1 - Energy Sword(60s Respawn)
    1 - Overshields(180s Respawn)
    1 - Active Camo(180s Respawn)
    12 - Frag Grenades
    4 - Deployable Cover
    1 - Energy Drain(90s Respawn)







    No Mans Land1

    No Mans Land2
    #1 Nacidous, Apr 16, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  2. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    One word:


    This is kinda sloppy please read up on Forging 101 tips

    If it was a little bit neater looking I would say it is very good
  3. Nacidous

    Nacidous Ancient
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    I know how to use interlocking but I usually avoid it because interlocking can look much more messy when you get carried away with it. If I use interlocking at all its for minor appearance issues or to keep people inside the map and I dont even do interlocking until everything else is done most of the time.

    As for it looking sloppy, I've seen countless maps that make this one look great.

    If you read the note I had posted it said that I would post more detailed information and pics. The pics I had posted were only meant to keep people entertained until the map was ready to go. They weren't the finished map. The new pics are up now.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Abusing the interlocking trick isnt a bad thing, people need to understand that. Use it when neccessary, which is pretty much all the time, to get a much better final result. It is better if every thing is smooth and nades dont get caught in between un-merged doubleboxex.

    BTW: As for looking sloppy, you shouldn't rely on other maps to compare to yours. You should make yours look good, not say "hey it looks great when I compare this to (insert bad map here)"

    2 features a map has to have.
    - It must look good
    - It must play good

    I will not download this.
  5. Nacidous

    Nacidous Ancient
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    Ummm.... I make mine look good and I'm satisfied with what I do then I post it. I never feel the need to compare my map to someone elses. I just think its ignorant for someone to call it sloppy when its not. I've seen sloppy maps, mine isn't. I was pointing out that if you really think mine is sloppy why dont you look around because I know you can find worse. If you're really that anal then just avoid my posts. I'm not at all trying to say my map is perfect, that is nowhere in my post. I interlock when there is a problem with the map that needs it to be interlocked. I just dont like to interlock when its not nessacary, thats my opinion. I have my opinion and you have yours, keep yours to yourself and I'll keep mine to myself. This is a stupid argument to have to deal with.
  6. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    Must look good? What are we 13, honestly.

    Gameplay is the only thing that matters on a 'competitive' map, as long as the 'bad looks' don't affect the gameplay AT ALL, I am fine.

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