Has anyone noticed yet that on of the quotes when your in matchmakingfrom bungie is, "Don't ever give your password away. ever. It won't earn your recon!"? I find this slightly chuckling since you do need to use your password on Bungie.net to unlock recon. Nothing huge, just something I noticed. I found this out when my friend went to go unlock recon, but he couldn't remember his hotmail email so he couldn't link his gamertag...
Logging in to Bungie.net isn't giving away your password... Giving away your password is when you tell some random person on Xbox Live your password thinking you can get recon for it.
Silly you. That message has been there for months; long before anyone was able to manually unlock Recon.
well depending on how you read the quote it says you don't need your password to get recon, but in reality you do. I just thought it was interesting.
The exact quote is "Don't ever GIVE your password away". The keyword being "Give." An example of giving your password away would be to one of those multiple people who send out messages saying that if you give them your Username, and Password, that they will go onto your account and "Give" you Recon. But an example of not "Giving", but actually "Entering", would be on Bungie.net. It doesn't matter how old the quote is, but it still stands true. Entering your password on Bungie.net to enable Recon, and giving your password to a stranger that says they'll give you Recon are two entirely different things.
You guys are taking this a little too seriously.. Anyway, that is pretty funny, it's not like it's some small insignificant thing, it's the matchmaking pointers. Silly bungie.
You don't give away your password away when you log on. It's simply just registering your site's ID so you can log on. =p