Not really, but the halo 3 world (maps), certainly! If you don't get my really bad joke, dont worry. In this post I have posted a few photos of outside the new mythic maps and a film clip so that you can explore yourself. The film clips are not rendered as there is no point in doing so. The film clips are there for you to pause, press y and move around yourself. I will update this thread with new findings. Quick Links: Outside Citadel - Film Underneath Citadel - Map Outside Heretic - Film Citadel: This one you may need to darken. Photobucket seems to make it almost white. Film Clip: Map: Underneath Citadel Heretic: Film Clip: - Longshore coming soon - Sorry about the bad pun (title).
I don't believe you can forge outside of these maps, as objects there will simply disappear. Good luck trying. Don't forget to use no-clip objects.
Yeah, I broke out of all of them awhile back using Pan-Cam. It was quite fun to explore the Aircraft Carriers outside of Longshore, but most certainly you can't forge out there. For one, you can't break any of these maps while not in theatre. This even counts Citadel, because once you get outside the window, you can't place any objects, and you're restricted from moving anywhere but alongside the wall. The only decent place to forge out of these maps is below Citadel in that giant pit. And even that won't work out well because of the depth, and contrast. Nobody will be able to see anything at all down there.
Update You can now forge underneath Citadel. The area is lit by man cannons because otherwise you cannot see anything.
Do you have a link to citadel version where you can forge outside? Please provide one with spawn points or teleporters outside of map.
The map I posted for Citadel is underneath (there's a teleporter in the centre). As for outside I believe its impossible. Edit: No wait scrap that, I think I know how now. I'll post tomorrow on thread if I find anything. Ok it is not possible to forge outside Citadel. I pushed myself out of the map and whenever I spawn something it says 'Not enough room to create objects'. Also there seems to be an area under and outside of the map where you can go, but when you move out of that area you die.