Scatterbrain I'm walking out in a force ten gale. birds thrown around, bullets for hail. the roof is pulling off by its fingernails. your voice is rapping on my window sill yesterday's headlines blown by the wind. yesterday's people end up scatterbrain. then any fool can easy pick a hole. (I only wish I could fall in) a moving target in a firing range. somewhere I'm not scatterbrain. somewhere I'm not scatterbrain. lightning fuse powercut. scatterbrain ------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Scatterbrain, a 2-4 player, Asymmetrical, Free-For-All map with chaos and carnage in mind. Don't let the pictures fool you, this is a small map, any more than 4 players and it'd be too much. Click Image to Download Weapons/Equipment 1x Sniper Rifle 2x Battle Rifle 1x Carbine 2x SMG 1x Magnum 1x Plasma Rifle 2x Plasma Grenade 1x Deployable Cover 1x Regenerator 1x Radar Jammer Layout/Description I think its best if you look at this here image: No flashy Interactive presentations this time (a lá The Longest Yard), just a simple drawing, illustrating weapon and equipment placement. In the Layout Image, the green shows the upper level area while the grey shows the lower level and 'hill'. Its actually very difficult to describe, so i'll just show some pictures and add some description below them: This is looking across the map from the bottom left (on the Layout pic). You can see the crate which is held by the Forklift, and moving right you'll notice the 'alcove' where the sniper spawns. Further right is my new 'Textured Sun' wall feature (in the foreground), and to the extreme right you can see the top of the stairs. Looking directly at the wall feature, on the left you get a better shot of the 'alcove' and to the right you can see the staircase properly. Here we are looking along the side of the 'alcove' from the area at the bottom of the stairs. Notice the 'hill', the SMGs spawn here. This is looking in the opposite direction from the first screen. You can see the Forklift and in the background is the fence-flooring which covers the lowest area of the map, in which you get the radar jammer. A better view of the lower area. Now for some carnage. Gametypes This is literally set up for FFA only, so Slayer (not Team) and King of the Hill. I've set up Oddball, but it can be far too overpowering when someone gets the ball and goes down into the lower area. Slayer Radar - 10m. 1 or 0 starting grenades. 5 minute round. KotH Score to win 50. 1 or 0 starting grenades. Radar - 10m. Credit Thanks to all who tested, especially M4573RxBOX + friends; Whitelime and MealonX. Now ... go go go go go go download!!!! CLICK ME TO DOWNLOAD! (Comments are always welcomed )
First post! What!? Ok wow, I've almost always liked your maps, but this one is just the best. The only thing I don't like are the weapons, seems like somethings missing. I love your maps that show where the weapons are.
this is a beautiful map, i love the sun pattern on the wall and the diagonal walls like the one in picture 3, and i was wondering if i could use something like that in my next map. but you are right it was a lot smaller than expected and i have found a way to get out using a combination of equipment jumping and grenade jumping from the crate, but it probably wouldn't be executable in general play so it is ok.
thanks guys Yeah, i can imagine that the crate at the forklift would be the only real escapable area ... but like you say, it'd be almost impossible during normal play due to the smallness. I tried various different escape-proof methods and those bridges were the most effective. Thanks for looking
ok, sorry but i found another way out, if you stand on the fusion coil, melee it then jump you can get out extremely easily, answer? delete the fusion coil.
hahaha ... well ... meh ... it adds to the gameplay ... i really don't see why anyone would be trying to get out of the area in a competative game anyway ... its just stupid. Guess i'll have to delete it/post a revision or something.
I love your poem. I hate poetry but I felt bored and read it. The poem is odd but the map is awesome. I really like what you did with the Teles
The 'poem' is actually lyrics to the Radiohead song 'Scatterbrain'. Thanks to those who replied ... i guess i must be doing something wrong ... no-one seems to like the map (or at least, is replying).
Hm, definitely worth looking at, judging from the pics. I'll get back to you with comments sooner or later.
This was very fun from what bits of it i played though i would not suggest playing oddball because it seemed very easy to camp with the complex level, though it is great fun and i would like to suggest that everyone gives it a go.....maybe i wasn't looking hard enough for a way out anyway THATS my fault for not trying hard enough. But great map keep them coming.
no it's not that you weren't looking hard enough, but i was looking TOO hard, and i love my quote, it's completely true.
This does indeed look very well put together. It does strike me as another small interlocked map though, but I don't really mind small parties.
I agree with the last thing that brute captain said, it does seem another of those pretty foundry competitive maps, but I suppose the breed will not die out for a long time. I like the map, especially that "textured sun"(lol), but good job! Just feels a little cramped to me.
TurboGerbil and BruteCaptain - Its meant to be like that though, the cramped space makes conflict a sure thing, so it kinda evens the playing field against people who camp etc. I dunno, i just liked the idea of a really small map. Thanks for having a look though
Dude that looks really good. I will have to play test this some time because right now I don't have my xbox and I would be doing it now. However, form the pictures it does look really good. Oh and this map is probably being pushed down because of all the new legendary maps, otherwise this would be getting noticed. Again great job.