Good map and good merge . I love the idea of the wall halfs doing a barriers to the guardiens and good weapon choice !
1 problem that I noted while playing this. The guardians focus on only 1 person at a time. This is both inside and outside your walls. So if the lasers are shooting at 1 person, a second person can walk out. The lasers could probably shoot him down eventually, but that person could have a chance of getting away... Also, hearing the guardian lasers firing constantly is INCREDIBLY annoying...
I think i said that in my post, but the guardians usually change target for one or two shots when that happens. You could escape and run around behind the whole thing, but what is there to do out there? I mean, you can go outside sandtrap with basically any vehicle, but there's no use in that, so its a very high risk you take when you try to go there, and theres nothing to do there.
This map looks very nice. I did a forge through and everything looks good, it`s also a very original idea. The only problem I noticed was the lasers shooting me when I was inside, but I couldn`t make it happen again. Also, the lasers can detonate grenades thrown near the outer walls through the walls. Overall, great map.
When I first looked at the map, I was very intrigued by the aesthetics features, as you have some very cool structures throughout the map, and so I DL, much to your liking . I started it up with a friend, and we played a match on it. When I first spawn, I must say, I was very confused, and it took me a good while to just find the other guy I was supposed to fight. Once I got my bearings down, it was very easy to distinguish from the different hallways, however, there was still a few problems with short corridors that led to strange jumps. Some of these jumps I didn’t realize for the entire game, others were right in front, and I could just utilize them immediately. The weapons on the map were evenly enough spaced, although on a few occasions, I was thwarted by my friend camping around a tight corner with the mauler. The plasma rifles in the center sand pit were pretty well placed, as you could pick them up and immediately blast your opponent with a stream of shield draining goodness. Following draining of the shields however, many times my friend would go around a corner and run. This was very frustrating, as even if his shields were low, he could slip away, and if I followed him, he would just spam the hell out of me with countless grenades. Changing lanes, I didn’t have too much trouble with spawns, only having a couple of instances, such as when I spawned in the direct middle of the pit, allowing my friend to easily out play me, in his own way of the grenade spam. The central top hole worked out pretty well, although it was kinda hard to jump across, seeing as the roof was so low, and several times I just fell down due to my impatient ness. Camo worked out decently in the spot you put it in, but I suggest another spot, such as right before you get killed by the guardians in the open room, as that gives enough time for the person without camo to get just enough shots on the person that does, before they in fact make a get-away. The place where you can jump out to get killed by the guardians was defiantly a good idea, very original at that, however it creates too many problems more than it helps. First of all, simply the guardian constantly shooting is damn annoying, and I had to turn down my tv volume to spare my brain a headache. Second, grenades would randomly explode early due to the effects of the laser, making grenades unpredictable, unlike usually, they can be a game winner. Lastly, I was actually killed several times by standing too close to a wall, allowing a guardians blast to indirectly brush up against me, instantly killing me. Oh, did I tell you about the sound? Overall, Void Ridge was a decent map to play on, I enjoyed my first go around on it, but by the second game we played, its originality started getting old, and even started to get frustrating. A few tips for a V2, you might want to go ahead and just redo most of the hallways extending out of the middle, as they are very camp-able, you might also just, as cool as it looks, take out the guardian kill spot as it just causes too much trouble to leave. Lastly, rework a few of the grenades, as I was getting grenade kills out of the wahzoo. Thanks for reading, if you do. I’m glad I could help, If I did 4/10
Thanks for such a thought-through evaluation. Im sorry for taking so long to answer, i have been away. Im quite happy that you're saying all that. I get the feeling that you liked the map but the downsides of its location pulled down the grade. I mean, if it wasn't for the guardians shooting it seemed as you thought the map was pretty good. I agree with most of what you said. Especially that its confusing when you don't know the map, and you have no idea where you are. The thing you said about running around corners to survive and camping around corners is something this map tends to encourage quite a lot. But to balance that out there are plenty grenades that as you found out, explode rather fast, and theres also always another not too long path to get where the fleeing or camping player is heading. So basically, it's easy to take a small detour and appear infront of or behing (depending on the situation) that player. And if you're camping around a corner you will most likely be threatened from behind if you're more than 2 players playing. I do agree though that the tight and narrow corridors could be annoying. But its kind of a theme of the map. I cant tell you why you could get killed by guardians while standing behind a wall though. I've never seen that happening. But thanks for your post mate, hope you didnt feel that the wait for answer was too long.