-=[Official]=- Sniperpig666's Review Squad [$]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sniperpig666, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Sniperpig666

    Sniperpig666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    --=[Official Reviewing Squad]=--

    Hello and welcome to Sniperpig666's Official Map Rating Squad. Me and my squad will devote a large portion of our time to rate and review maps and games. Please read on to find rules, the Devotion, and alot more information about us.

    The Devotion
    We hereby pledge to devote a large portion of our time to rate each map and corresponding game types. We will play through the map and game three times to get a general impression and overall finer detail of the game. We will then feedback your ideas using a non-biased efficient system to explain the pro's, cons and overall feel of the map. We use a Star Rating System with five being the best, and one being the worst. We hope to see you very soon.

    Rules of the Entrants
    • Do not enter maps that are racist, fascist or upsetting to any religion, race or culture for us to review.
    • Make sure your maps are to the best standard you can get them to, in order to get the very best out of our reviewing system.
    • Your maps should be playtested and reviewed in ONE WEEK to the highest standard.
    The System

    Our rating system works to the highest standard. If you have any problems with our rating system please send me a PM so we can remedy the problem.


    Name: Blah's Game

    Date of Review: 18/18/18

    Rating: * * * * * (5)

    Summary: This map is an amazingly crafted piece of forging that was a pleasure to play and should be a huge hit.


    "You begin in a small room then" etc.


    We hope you ask for a review and continue to make great maps and entries to be reviewed, rated and playtested by me and my squad.

    The Squad currently consist of:



    iTz HaZaZaZ

    iTs KeZaZaZ

    Major Bradley

    Current Review
    Jungle Fever

    Maps Awaiting Review

    Thanks for reading this massive burden of text, and please post entries.


    Review Squad Leader

    EDIT: You can post entries on ANY map or gametype, dont mind the prefix.
    #1 Sniperpig666, Oct 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
  2. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    This is the wrong forum. Ask a mod to move it for you to the correct section. This is the map forum. I am not sure how you didn't read that this is the map section.
  3. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to ForgeHub.
    I think that this post is not up to standard, but this is because it is in the wrong place.
    Im not sure where it should be, but it is on the wrong place.
    Please fix this, or this will get locked.
  4. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to Forge Hub, this is the wrong forum, ask for a mod to move it. Move it to the Forge Discussion section.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't call it "Official", but...yeah. Moved for ya. If you guys are really serious about this, you might want to join the Tester's Guild...they've been needing some guys like you to help test/give feedback, until the Review Hub is ready at least.
  6. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Could you review Silent Caverns.

    It supports the Save One Bullet Gametype only.

    Would I be the first! :3
  7. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Could you please review Jungle Fever, in particular the spawns and whether or not it supports balanced gameplay. I'm submitting it to atlas so if you manage to get a game on it then I would greatly appreciate the film, that would be a life saver!

    It supports all gametypes except infection and MLG with 3v3 Team Brs and KOTH FFA being the best that I've played so far. It supports up to 8 players.
  8. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Join the testers guild or review team, that's what they are their for.

    Please don't post maps, your only encouraging him.
  9. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He's doing nothing wrong... Maybe he just wants to have fun with his friends (who may not use forgehub) on maps that people have made whilst telling people what he thinks.
  10. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OK, well I'll give you a review.

    Download This

    Use with Slayer.
  11. Sniperpig666

    Sniperpig666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay guys, I'm really sorry that I posted it in the wrong place but that was because I don't know where to post this.
    If a mod could move it to the correct place, please do.

    Review of Silent Caverns
    Name: Silent Caverns
    Date: 19/10/09
    Rating: * * * * *
    As I sat in lobby waiting for my squad to join the game, I wondered if it would be a scary, fast-paced, thumbstick-wrenching game, or some failure. It was the first.
    First of all, we spawned in a nice little end of a large tunnel. The ghostmerging complemented the playing style cleanly while retaining a rough, cavernous feel. Me and two friends began to walk through the caverns slowly, feeling it all out before running through. We ended up in a small, dark corner, with one way out and a large gap above us. Obviously enough, we were slaughtered.
    On our second run through, we finally got round to exploring the twists and turns a bit while effortlessly fending off zombies. It was simple enough, given the large spaces available while in the tunnels. Once we got to a small area, we began to pack together, fighting hard as they swarmed everywhere. Eventually, we ran out of ammo and tried double-teaming the zombies with melee attacks. Phailure.
    The third round, I was a zombie. I ate a couple of people's faces then began to search the entire cavern. I found I could leap up into the small spaces, preying on the unfortunate humans that ended up near me. Surely enough, they all quickly became zombies such as us.
    We decided to carry on playing due to the fact that an amazingly ghostmerged cavern is the perfect place to hide and destroy zombies. I guess we just like that sort of game. I give this a hearty five stars, as do my squad, who equally enjoyed the game.

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