Hey guys, I've seen some pretty talented artists (Pen + Paper (but there are some pretty amazing GFX artists here too ^^)) and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for drawing? I would love to learn how to draw but I'm not in school anymore (I got sick. End of story.) at least until maybe February or March 2010 so no Art Class for me. T_T To Shorten It Up : I need help on how to draw! I bought a tablet and since I CAN'T draw, it's a waste of space right now. =( PS/Off-Topic : Diary of Jane slowed down/piano is AMAZING! PSS : I might've posted this before but I don't think I have. I'll take the punishment if I did post before, but I don't think I did.
Well first of all, what are you wanting to draw? Thats the most important thing you could try to figure out atm. If your really new to drawing just try drawing different simple shapes (ie. Sphere, cube, etc) and then add value (shading) to them. If your not new try Still-life or freehand. If its still-life looks for basic shapes, then form the shape, then details. Freehand matters only on what your drawing really.
TBH, I've never known what I've wanted to draw, I did once and it turned out pretty good, but not as good as I was hoping. I was never good with Inspiration for stuff. Sometimes I can get Inspiration though, but it just, never turns out even remotely good. Mainly because I can't draw bodies. T_T
I'm not an artist at all, but my stepdad is ****ing amazing, he does it for a living, sort of. Anyway, he's been telling his son to practice copying stuff. Like photos, art, anything so that you have some measure of comparison between what you are trying to capture and your final product. Though I'm not sure if it'll necessarily work since I'm horrible at drawing stuff freehand, but if I have some art in front of me I can copy it VERY accurately Thought I'd mention it anyway.
Well for me if I'm doing freehand I try to figure out the basic shapes to the bodies or whatever, sketch it out, then connect those parts and start adding more detail once I have the general shape right. Keeping nice un-interrupted lines is good too (lines that aren't choppy looking)
Also to if your try to draw anything with humans, then you may wish to know the Human Analogy before anything,
I draw using a tablet a lot of the time, and a good way to practice is to get an image you like in Photoshop, make a new layer and use the tablet to trace the parts you like. From there you can colour it how you like, make changes etc. Eventually you'll find that you learn the feel of your tablet and that'll help in the long run. I'm in the middle of doing something for my Photography Course, it's taken a good 10 hours so far on and off. I've used a few reference images which I took myself (important to use your own images if you plan on submitting for an exam, for example, since it's used as proof) and parts from scratch.
I'm agreeing with the people who are recommending copying pictures or tracing them. When you do it enough, you'll get the feel and you'll know the proper proportions for anything you're drawing. After you keep practicing, it'll come natural to you.
Both really, I can do either one. @ArrrghSAM : Thanks for the photography tip, my mom just bought a new camera which can actually hook up to my computer so I'll take some photos and see what I can do. =] Wow! I'm really surprised at all the replies guys, thanks so much. I'll trace some stuff that I find interesting and see what I can come up with, thanks for everything guys. ^^ @Meltyourtv : I got a tumor in my right leg, cancerous. Can't go to school till Feb or March. o_o' @KidBomber : Human Analogy? Please explain. =] PS : I know how to Multi-Quote but I wasn't expecting to write this much. xD
Human Analogy pretty much means how the body looks. As in where the skeleton is, how the body moves in real-life, structure of finger, toes, etc. If your going to draw humans you need to understand that, before you can draw humans to there fullest.
Hence the quote below me. :O Look at Whispers Post! Oic. Thank you KB (Really doesn't know what to say D
I literally sat there thinking you were referring to some art-version of the Human Genome project, some philosophical view on humanity. My god...