Artichoktual V2 by:cowboypickle23 This map takes place in the crypt of sandbox. its a cave, or mine or whatever you want to call it. Every piece in this map is ghost merged mostly because i needed to ghost merge to get the cave look and the rough terrain look. i made sure this map is extremely smooth so that it looks extremely bumpy but is not at all. I also made sure to combine nice asthetics and nice gameplay. This map can be played with regular slayer or OVERBOARD! and the room ive added now in i guess you could say the v2 has basically maybe almost doubled its size!! SNIPER-1 BATTLE RIFLES-2 COVELANT CARBINES-2 MAULER-1 SMG-2 PLASMA PISTOL-1 above is what the map looked like before. the bridge literally led to nothing. below is the room i added by taking out that wall and heres a closer look at the new room it also has a cave leading to the back caves. its complicated i know. and here is the connection of the new cave and the old back caves This map is really fun and i thank Master Debayter for helping with the spawns and giving me the idea to make it an OVERBOARD! map. P.S. ive tested alot more and i suggest not using this gamtype unless you actually like overboard. i would just play slayer, its alot better gamplay. Also this map has been included in the 50th episode of the very popular machinima Halo 3 Forges. Download-Artichoktual Download-OVERBOARD!
It looks really fun, its funny so many maps like this have been coming out lately but they all have a different flare thats what i like about them. Great job my friends dl from me and hopefully some cool games in a bit.
Why the hell is it called Artichoktual?! lol But otherwise, wow! This really looks like a nice cave map! I love all the small crooks and crannies to hide in and stuff... I'll download and have a go through it. Edit: Just went through it and it was really really confusing... I wasn't sure how many rooms there were because of all the detail... so maybe there's too much detail to the point of distraction...? Overall: 3.5/5 Nice effort
WOW! This looks amazingly awesome! I'm downloading this now. I love cave maps like this, this one is the biggest one I've seen though. I particularly like where the tubes come out of the wall, those are awesome. Really Nice Job, I hope to see more great maps from you. - 10/10
This looks very much like a cave....So, nice job accomplishing your goal. Anyway, even though this is kind of a joke, it still turned out very nicely. It looks to play great for Overboard. ;D
This map looks like it pwns awesome sauce but i thought of something.Does anybody remember that map that Val created that Oni Amptheater map. Someone should make that an overboard map that would be really cool
thanks for all the great comments. keep em coming ive added onto the map so i think youll love it a whole lot better now. its almost doubled in size
yeahh.. thats the look i was looking for. i guess i acomplished that pretty actually got featured on another site...i wouldve never guessed that.
Awesome! It looks huge. Does it support normal Slayer? P.S. - Looks like ghost merging of epic proportions
Woooohhhh thats the kind of map i recherch ! Like big old cave with a lot of litle montauin and a lot of astetics ! Good job man i will download it to see it more than you show !
the first picture is awesome and all, but to be honest, im getting very sick of these styles of maps. Aim for something new, not just redoing the last hip thing to break the scene.
actually. to be completely honest, i hadent seen any maps except the hollows before i map this. and it isnt new, this map has been out for awhile now so its not like im following everyone else. and yes these maps are beign used alot now, but if i recall most if not all of the other maps are infection. nuff said.
Perosnally, I love these type maps. They really give the feel of not being in Sandbox, but instead another map. Fantastic job Cowboypickle.
oh great map pickle ! Its seem like the Halo 3 campaing level : Cortana . Great desing i really love the center bridge and your sniper spawn , shotgun to ! Maybe remove the needler for a flame thrower .