I found an idea in the imagination database that sounds like it would be really fun to both forge and play on, but the only problem is I can't think of a way for it to work! I've been brainstorming for about an hour now and I can't come up with any flawless way to make it work. Here's the idea: #4 Form: Slayer Gameplay: Players (an even amount) spawn in 1vs1 chambers and fight to the death, the winner moving to the next chamber via gravity lift or teleporter. The chain continues until there are two left, fighting for their team (or by themselves). What Map: Does not matter I can't think of away to make the players move on to the next chamber without it just being a straight dash between the two players to the grav lift, man cannon, or teleporter.
Or have switches you activate to open the way, something you can't do while fighting like punch a fusion coil or something.
Maybe once you kill a guy, you have to punch his corpse down a small hole into a mancannon, his body will then get flung into a fusion coil that will fall, detonate, and destroy a gravlift, thus spawning one for you. This might not work because of multiple grav lifts, so you could use the fusion coil to un block teleporters or something.
umm....this has been done already. multiple times. just have stairs / lifts spawn after like 45 seconds for the first chambers, then a minute thirty for the next, etc. obviously you would change the times after testing to see how long fighting takes. But really, 1 on 1 in a small area - the fights would be short.
My friend did one of these the other day. He had it with 8 players (FFA) with each stage on a level of sandbox, you started in the crypt then the winner could use a grav life that spaned after 20 secs to go into a teleporter to get to the wasteland and same as before to get to the skybubble for the finale.