__________________________________________________ COLD CAVE __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is Outside Recommended Gametype: Sasquatch Recommended number of players: 5-9 Download link: COLD CAVE Map description: An other proof that Joe is stronger than the Guardians. You can now pass through the limits of the map. 5-9 players About my map: This map is a small cave with a lot of tunnels, you really feel like it's a cold cave because of the atmosphere. This map is really fun to play with Infection. Five to nine players are recommended for my map but it can support players below or above my ideal player count. My map can only supportInfection , but I made a Gametype called "Sasquatch". Weapons: x1 x1 x1 x1 Screenshots: Human Spawns Zombie Spawn SMG Trip Mine Shotgun AR One of the tunnels Action Shots: First Impression Sasquatch and Mini Sasquatch Last Man Standing Gametype: Alpha Zombie: 200%.......-..Resistance 50%.........-......Damage 100%.......-.........Speed 200%.......-........Gravity Zombie: 50%.........-.Resistance 25%.........-.....Damage 100%.......-........Speed 200%.......-.......Gravity Poor Camo: On Humans: 200%.......-.......Gravity Infinite Amo Last Man Standing: Unchanged Downloads: Cold Cave Sasquatch
No! I have a map almost identical to this which I finished no more than an hour ago. =( Awww well. The map looks great. I like the eery colour you've got and the tunnels look well built. I have a question though, how do the zombies enter? Do they teleport in or just spawn in a different tunnel to the humans? Oh, and, would you have a problem with me bringing out my map which is quite similar to this?
Damn, im working on an infection map right now thats sorta like this. Well you did a really good job and it looks really good. Ill have to download this but dont know when ill be able to get a good game on it, hopefully soon. And from the pictures the atmoshpere looks awesome. Ill try and get back to you soon EDIT: lol hobo, looks like alot of people are getting the same ideas lately EDIT 2: Alright i got a game in and it was pretty fun, but whoever got the shotgun would wreck. If they just sta where they get the shotgun, they can camp really easily. I would suggest changing the ammo on that alot because people got bored fast when i just wouldnt die
very, VERY nice map. It actually gives the look and feeling of fighting in a cave. As for aesthetics- They are incredible, but I would suggest maybe making a little bit of rubble (broken columns, etc...) in a "dead end" tunnel to give the feeling that the humans are trapped in a cave because the entrance is blocked off. Also: The weapons dont respawn right?
pretty sweet map, the asthetics definitely get the point accross. you definitely did a good job executing a good idea and turning it into reality. you do know that there's an infection competition going on right now right? the competition requires that the map use "save one bullet" but with a few changes it seems like this would be a top-notch submission.
Is the map linear? If so, i vote you make it compatible for Conquest! It might give The Hollows some competition...
It's funny because The Hollows was the first thing I thought of when I saw this map; however, this map is for infection... ...not conquest.
No the map is not linear.. but for the competition, my conquest map is coming Jo, you did an other time a pretty well forging job. The map haven't any misstake. Keep forging like that!
This is a really good map i played this with my friends i like it alot i rate this 5/5 i thought it was huge the first time but its really good though
No, I don't have a problem, and even if I had a problem, what could I do?!.. Bring out your map. I don't know if it would be nice with "Save One Bullet", I'll try a game and if its nice, I'll post my map, but if it's not, I won't change anything and won't post my map. No, it's not Linear. And thanks guys for the comments.
Loved the forging, very very great, although I feel as if the map could be a bit larger... I could be wrong, but looking at your available objects and budget, seems like you could have expanded a bit more. And I also would have loved to see the colourblind and juicy FX on here. Yeah yeah, I know everyone is always like: "BLARRG FILTARS" But it really would've added to the feeling of a dark, cold, cave. Overall though, a great map. It will be remaining on my harddrive.
It doesnt seem too multileveled if you get what I mean, having played chaos caverns that still seems to me as the greatest cave maps. If it was more varied and cramped I may dl, but right now, my one is coming, and none shall defy its awesomness...
Another cave, I have posted 4 different times in the past day talking about how I wanted there to be more cave maps on FH. I love the map.