Buried deep beneath the sandy dunes lies this ancient relic. Welcome to Anthem, my latest forge creation. Anthem is a symmetrical, competitive map that takes up most of the crypt area. The original sketch idea was a much smaller and simpler map, but throughout the forging process it was eventually expanded to what you will see here. Many revisions were made to make this map suitable to be called a truly competitive map. All gametypes are supported, with 4v4 team-based games being recommended. FFA gametypes can provide a fun mix-up as well. I actually finished Anthem a few weeks ago, but due to some setbacks, (namely ODST and RRoD) it has remained on my lonely hard-drive until now. The wait has been long enough, so let me get to the map itself. Weapon List Spoiler BR: 6 x 30 sec. [2 clips] Carbine: 2 x 45 sec. [2 clips] Needler: 2 x 120 sec. [1 clip] Plasma rifle: 2 x 60 Shotgun: 2 x 120 [0 clips] SMG: 4 x 60 [2 clips] Sniper: 2 x 150 [1 clip] Sword: 1 x 150 Active Camo: 1 x 180 sec. Plasma grenade: 4 x 20 sec. Regenerator: 2 x 180 sec. Here is a short fly-through of Anthem. [bungievid]98236789[/bungievid] Screenshots As always, don't forget to download, rate, post any comments/criticisms after you give Anthem a try. Special thanks to MickRaider for all the advice, and to all the testers who's feedback was crucial to perfecting Anthem (it's not perfect, but you know what I'm getting at). And lastly I would like to thank Forge Hub and my Mom, cuz that's what you're supposed to do, right?
I remember testing this quite a while ago, it was a lot of fun and played very well. I still love the unique design, especially the centre stucture which is unlike pretty much anything I've ever seen in custom-made maps. The map suited pretty much all gametypes we played with KOTH and CTF being my faves. The fact it suits a range of gametypes is a testament to how well forged and designed it is. I can see no massive changes, in terms of layout, since we tested aside from the one I suggested about the large ramps which I'm glad you implemented. I would suggest taking a screen looking directly at one of the bases as its hard for anyone who hasn't played on the map to discern what the bases look like. Edit : Actually, I take back the comment about no major changes. It seems you also changed the sniper room entrance, like I suggested. I'm going to give this a DL and inspect it more closely. So if anyone out there is looking for a unique, smooth and versatile map to entertain their party during customs, this is a great choice.
Wow. Great map. Superb. I would like to play a game on this. Submit it for review in the TRC. If the gameplay is as good as it looks it may be feature worthy in my opinion.
I'm really digging the look of the layout. I'm always a big fan of inversely symmetric maps, and this one looks pretty promising. Complex and engaging. I'll be giving this a DL when I get a chance and getting to know it a bit better. I'll try and get back here with more comments afterward. Nice work.
I remember testing this a while ago, and I'm really glad you finally got aroud to posting it. It is such a great map, the layout flows so well and despite the intricate-ness of the entire map, the action is nonstop. Everyone do yourself a favor and download this map.
This maps is a very impressive feat for any forger in their right mind. I love how all of the structures flow together perfectly and how it just looks so darn cool ascetically. Without a doubt I am putting this in the maps you want to see featured thread. Congrats on this masterpiece! - 10/10
I remember seeing this map in the makings and going 1v1 with you on it. this map is awesome and im really liking the added ramps to top level great job man
The layout is really good as well as the use of levels. The amount of high ground and the different levels reminds me of epitaph. Overall great map, I do not see anything wrong with this.
Finally lol i remember the preview it looked so amazing, and it still does if not better than before. Way to go man this map has the different levels you want in a competitive and the aesthetic feel to make you stop for a brief second and go ahh.
WOW this map looks amazing! It looks really complicated, but still great! How did you make that picture showing the overveiw, and outlining the surfaces?
Yes, those were the final changes and I also added the sniper bridge; I'm not sure if you had seen that or not. I also added a tactical jump to the new sniper entrance that allows you to get up to the courtyard bridge. I will probably add a few more screenshots as well. Haha thanks. I always try to include some nice aesthetic touches to give it that 'ahh' factor. That was made using two screenshots that I took from the top of the crypt, and I used PS to add the outlines and whatnot. Thanks for all the comments guys, I'm glad you all like it.
truly stunning! I absolutley love the cave idea, i cant wait to play this with you, anyways excellent merging involved and congrats on an amazing map
I love this map. I DLed it when it came out and finally got back to right this. I like the design it is one of my favorite competitive map Out I think. I Really enjoy it. (Maybe that because every game I have played on this I have won) 5/5
well i havent downloaded this yet but i surely will. it looks really nice and clean and it looks like it is good for gameplay. but what caught my eye was the layout and that first picture so i knew that you knew what you were doing. only problem is that alot of things looked eneven or too on the walls and stuff but ill give it a 4/5 cuz nothing is perfect
Wow i really love your post ! A video , a lot of picture with cool effect . The map are very great i love the midle of your map , the sniper spawn are very great ! I download your map sure !
Wow. I'm sure most people's attention is drawn immediatly to the gold colums and ramp thing in the middle very unique. I really want to get a download on this because it is honestly unlike anything I have even seen. But I do suggest even though you seem to have done a good job, but I hate the tin cups in competitive maps because I think they detract from gameplay. I'll post more comments after I test. Great job.
Wow, this does look good. You can pretty much tell by the structure and quality of the post how well made the actual map is, and the post is very nice indeed. I'll DL and see if the gameplay is as solid as the forging. Good work.
Oh... wow... I came here expecting a really lame map with a pretty cool title. Luckily, I found a reaking amazing map with a pretty cool title! I dont even know if I want to rate this, it looks so pretty! Unfortunately, all I can do is say that the aesthetics are outstanding because I wont get to test it thouroughly for a while. Actually, the photos dont really help with understanding the layout at all. I just glanced at it, and wow.
I was tinking of this and could you but some effect !???!! Like Juicy , Gloomy and colorblind ! Its gonna be nice !