the one in the game is more like the newer versions of it. as far as power and performance goes. its just still called the AK-47. there will be the m16 in multiplayer most likely. but they have said it will be less powerful. with stopping power, its only a one shot kill in the head or chest.
I really hope its in Multiplayer. The M16 is the closest thing to a BR, and everyone loves the BR. And if it's overpowered, then why not just use it then? If you aren't willing to just use it, (and you very well can, everyone has the liberty to use it) you shouldn't complain.
no you really cant compare real weapons with halo weapons. sure its a three round burst, but it was a one hit kill. its a completely different game. it definitely will be toned down. plus the FAMAS is a new burst weapon, not sure about how many shots in the burst. i think it shoots the bursts with less delay between, but im not sure. the TAR also shoots in 3 round bursts, but slower than the m16. im not sure how either of these are going to be in the game as far and power goes.
I don't. I'm assuming. The m16a4 is typically used on it's 3 round burst setting. That's when it's most effective. Besides I'm pretty sure I remember fourzerotwo or someody saying it will now only be a one shot kill with a head or chest shot. That would imply a burst. Besides I doubt they would make it the semi auto setting.
What are you talking about?! The AK-47 is an AMAZING Weapon!!! On Topic : The game looks amazing. By the way, you could go to the Infinity ward forums and check out all the weapons, some perks, and stuff like that. Unfortunately for me, I got banned from the forums for an unknown reason. If you're going to say that I did something stupid, I only posted like 3 times? And there was nothing wrong with what I posted. I just randomly got IP Banned. You can upgrade Perks btw. EDIT : Also, the FAMAS is also a three round burst, noob much?
Just because its three round burst doesn't mean it's a one shot kill. From gameplay vids it looks like you need to hit someone twice with stopping power to kill them. So i dont think it'll be a noob gun. Spam much?
This is the MOST accurate list I've seen. A lot of the early ones would do stupid things, like put the M14 EBR in snipers, add weapons people want that we haven't seen. Stupid stuff. Anyway, nice job.
They better bring back the G36C. Best all around assault weapon ever. Glad to see the original G3 too, that weapon took skill to wield.
Hardly anyone uses an AK47. That's WWII era stuff. They should use AK74(not 'u's) and AEK974(methinks) instead. Woot, teh Kriss is in here! PPSH on crack!
I was hoping they would increase the number of guns in some of the categories, like snipers. I mean only 4, would it have killed them to add two more just for variety. Other than that and the fact you can't have shotgun as a primary, the lsit seems pretty good.
Actually its more of a Thompson and an MP5 put together (somewhat) I mean the ppsh is inaccurate, has quite a bit of recoil, and shoots a 7.62 pistol round. The KRISS though is extremely accurate, has an extensively low amount of recoil and shoots a .45 acp. So i would not compare it at all to a ppsh on crack. Once again these are not all of the known guns. These are simply the ones that have been spotted in videos and screenshots. So we do not know for sure that these are all the guns in the game. And besides you can replace that dumb old pistol with a shotgun, while not giving up a spot for a more universal weapon for a battlefield such as an assault rifle or a sub machine gun.
dude, pistol shotty combo was so fun though. That was very fun to run around with. And I'm pretty sure in the OP he said he got this list for IW but If not, excuse me, i'm gonna go take the impact test.