Class based games?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GOG TOXIC, Oct 17, 2009.


    GOG TOXIC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have sort of experimented with this but I'm wondering how it would factor into a map. I'm thinking of a was where you have four sender nodes on each teams spawn area which is inaccessible once you leave. Where each on takes you to a different set of weapons and equipment. I'm just wondering how you would fix it so that you can't switch weapons after words. Can you set it so that people can only grab weapons for the first thirty seconds of their spawn or is there a way to get you to grab a custom power up that prevents one from switching. There's only four custom power ups but theirs four classes so how would I cause them to all go to one or two instead of needing four. there's probably a simple solution but I not thinking well right now. Thanks.
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You just need to set "Spawn traits" to weapon pickup yes for however many seconds, and then in the regular player traits set weapon pickup to "no".

    Problem solved.
  3. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    While this is an intresting idea to mess around with, there are a couple really big problems with it. The first one is that if your team is wining, why even leave the class boxes? You can just sit there the rest of the round and win. It would be really hard to force them to pick up the class then leave, if not impossible. Also, there is luck involved in which class you get, as some will most likley be better than others. And random classes/random weapon spawns drive some peopel crazy. Eventhough i realize that you probably don't intend to use classes in a really competive map. So basicly if you can figure out a sensible solution to the first problem it could work for casual games.
  4. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    generally people wont just stay at the spawn. ive played versions of this many a time with friends and no one has not played because their winning. as with the spawn traits, youll have to make them die so they respawn. thats the only way to allow weapon pick up for thrty seconds. if you check out cory21's ODST map pack you'll see that the infected die at the start then they can pick up weapons in the class system

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