My upcoming Map Pack, Mystic, is being released at midnight tonight! I have been advertising this around various places for a long while now. The Mystic Map Pack consists of 6 maps all designed and forged by myself. The 6 maps are the following: Alloy, Cargo, Chasm, Forerunner, Library, and Outpost. Each map has it's own type of gameplay styles and awesomeness! I am running a live stream starting a 7 P.M on My name on the website is BryceBear, no that's not my real name... I will post a picture up now of the 2 maps Chasm and Outpost to give you guys a look. "BALLS OF MYSTIC(LAWL!)" The balls of Mystic are pretty much like the skulls of the Mythic Maps. Each map in my Mystic Map Pack has either a hidden Soccer Ball or GOlf Ball, depending on the default level it was made on... I have put them not just for the coolness, but for an extra challenge for you guys to do! Sure, find them in Forge, but I thought it would be alot more fun and challenging to do them without Forge or Theater, just walk around legitly and spot them! Also, I have made my own achievement list for the Map Pack. No, these aren't actual achievements, just another fun challenge for you to try and beat. Here is a list of those achivements! Samurai- On Chasm, get a Slice n' Dice medal. Mini-Splat!- On Forerunner, get 3 Mongoose Splatters in a game. Get if off!- On Alloy, get 4 sticky medals during any game. The next SnipeDown- On Outpost, get at least 7 headshots with the Sniper Rifle in any game. Lucky 6- On Library, get a KillTrocity medal during any game. Mauled by my...- On Cargo, get 5 mauler kills during any game. Great balls o' Mystic!- Find all 6 hidden balls on the Mystic Maps Just quit playing this game.- Get a perfection Medal during a 1v1 game on a Mystic map Running Riot- On a Mystic Map get a Running Riot medal during any game. MORE ACHIVEMENTS ARE BEING MADE, BE SURE TO SAVE THESE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE CHALLENGE! THE MYSTIC MAP PACK WILL ALSO BE PUT IN THE COMPETITIVE MAPS SECTION TONIGHT! THANKS EVERYONE! HOPE YOU GUYS CAN MAKE IT TO THE PARTY! IF NOT, JUST GO TO USTREAM.TV AND SEARCH BRYCEBEAR AND WATCH IT LIVE!
You may have noticed no one has really payed much attension to this, You might want to add preview pictures, or designs... or something other than "It's awesome!" or "HIDDEN BALLS" or "It has achievements" ... etc etc.
I really could care less what this site thinks.. Honestly.. Just had this up to see who would actually go to ustream and check it out. Went pretty good, 100+ live viewers
If you didn't care what the people here think, you wouldn't have taken the time to post this here. That's the whole point of these forums: Discussing forge. You're being defensive; Noxiw was only trying to help you kid. Regarding the content of your post, Noxiw pretty much covered what I would say.