It's a bit big, but it's vector so i can size it down. This is for a school project, we are to create a business, real, no BS. At the end we get any profit and a GCSE qualification. This is the name that they chose, and here is my attempt at a logo. I have until wed. to make any improvements, so CnC is appreciated. thanks!
ooh i really like that.. i honestly don't know what to say! just that i love the green and its good overall.. oh btw the gap between the light green and white letters is smaller than the light green and dark green
thanks knight working on it now ;]. nothing, atm, we're just working on the name and logo first. I thought it was the wrong way to do it, but no one listens to me D:. right, i'll work on it.
Ice? I haven't posted in here yet...I personaly like the color scheme, but I not a big fan of the little 'inspire's in the box. I would suggest either removing the green slice or making the words green.
I agree. I really like the logo, but it doesn't really fit the name (in my mind, anyway). When I hear the word "Inspire," I normally think "creativity," "new ideas," etc., but the design seems more business-like and too square.
yeap. that's what i was worried about too. thanks frag ;]. mhm, same as above. yeah, thanks . OK, i've taken in all this advice and on monday i shall be pumping out some new versions . hopefully. Now, off to coursework. . . Me thinks a fail. Opinions!