So here are my 2nd and 3rd try at a signature, still trying to read more stuff, and I tried out scanlines, now I want to do one incorporating C4Ds. Anyways here they are: For Katanga: For MeNaCe: I know text isn't to great, but I am finding some good ones to use on future ones, and so forth. CnC kthxbai
First one is nice, And for the text, you would want to move it to the focal. The scale lines for me are meh, but i dont really like them. Good work though ;]
i kinda like the first one, although its too bright and the effects are probably not as great as expected (sorry lol), but i think the scanlines actually work pretty well.. as for the second one, nice.. not the font i would use but thats ok. now you really should do something about the black outline on them.. this is what i do about them.. CTRL+click on the layer of the warthog or whatever, then go to select>contract (i think), and do it for one pixel. then erase the outside. this should get rid of most of the outline, but with such small images you are working with, it might screw up the image itself.