I did have that game, but I am unable to get any shots. It isn't installed on my comp, and I doubt it will work with Vista. Does this help?
Hm. a little, but not really much. i already have alot of reference pics, its more of the map that I want to see, apparently its epic, and i could put similar things
alright sounds good, by now ive been at it four hours and just finished all four legs and put down the starting outline of the main body, which i have huge plans for... then the head i already made as said, its just waiting to be rebuilt onto the neck of the body... im sure urs will be excellent tho :] may the best forger win lol
Insane heres a video of The Hoth map, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdAWPyq-jZY At 00:39 is one of the bunkers I was telling you about.
Ive done one Ive actually made a battle of Hoth map and for fairness Added some vehicles in to make it seem more like a fair battle map and not big immobile things, Ive even set up the hoth gun outposts, shame I could only manage to pull one AT-At out of the map due to parts allowance and stuff but checking it over it does look like my best asthetic work to date, Some screenhsots below now this was only a 3 hours prat about so its not perfect
UPDATE: Alright, ill continue to do these til my map is done. Didnt get to forge much today, but im going back on soon... so far i now have all legs completed and the base of the body finished... going up! EDIT: Hobble, not bad... mines much more detailed however. Ive made the legs functional as a use (no they dnt move, but thtd kick ass lol) as in u go in them to climb the machine and the body will have multiple... things, assorted... things... and some other... things (notice the vague-itude of this... vague-itude(???)) Anyway,itll be done within the upcoming week or so, so ill keep updating as i progress...
I went for the cheap Game style way of getting in, a simple two way teleporter one below it and one inside lol saves alot of bother and as in the games it seems to be like a lift that gets you in, hence I choose to use the teleporters.
yea thts fine... 4 mine tho im tryin to make a near exact replica and make it completely playable, every inch of the AT-AT is playable. Thts what im going for. The legs arnt also the only way in. Im gonna have a grappling hook mechanism tht imitates luke and boosts players up into the bottom of the AT-AT... then there will be some lifts, and some other... things... idk... ull see when i release it. I'm setting a release date right now (subject to change): 4/25/08. Thts my official release date. Note it is subject to change, but i dnt think it will...
Almost no matter what you do in trying to make an ATAT with the Avalanche objects, its going to look !@#$*%$ awesome. Looking forward to the seemingly 900 people making them!
Alright, new update for those who care (anyone, anyone???) anyways, i sought of took a step backward today, deleting most of my progress and starting over. Made legs twice as long to make it bigger and realistic. Redid body and almost done. Will begin testing maybe sunday, prob monday or tuesday so if anyone wants to, ill post a testing thread in a few days when im rdy... in the meantime, cya round!
cool... yea ill prob be on all week lol (no life :]) so ill send u a FR when im ready nd all nd let u help test... EDIT: YAY!!! THIS IS MY 200th POST!!! I feel so special
The grappling hook system sounds awsome I tried such a system and I didnt have the patience to position the bits. I did also think it might be possible to make a turning head by using the same method as the swings and adapting it slightly so its pivoted at one end using weapon holders.
yea a turning head would be sick but unfortunately, unlike in last resort, bungie made all items in avalanche immovable so it wont budge...