Paranormal Activity

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Huntar, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Have you guys heard the hype about this movie? To me it looks intense and scary as hell, me and my GF are gonna go see it this weekend, hope to be back with a review.

    Have any of you seen it? If so post your review about it, was it really THAT scary? If not, post if you want to see this movie or not, or what you want to see come from it.

    But until Sunday, I will leave you with some information till I'm back with a full review. I'm stoked!

    YouTube - "Paranormal Activity" - Official Trailer [HQ H"]400 Bad Request

    Reaction video's:

    YouTube - "Paranormal Activity" Chicago Reactions

    YouTube - PARANORMAL ACTIVITY PREMIERE Hollywood Screening Spielberg's door locked itself while watching movie
    #1 Huntar, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Okay, will see soon.
    I will go in with the intent of not being frightened at all, but will most likely come out with a pair of soiled pants.

    The testimonials, although seemingly fake, seem to give you a look at what you're in for, but they were all wimenz.

  3. MeNaCe x TIGER

    MeNaCe x TIGER Ancient
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    Holy ****ing **** that looks scary....
  4. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    I've been quite interested in this film for some time now. I don't get scared from films, will this one be different. From what I've read, in many cinemas out of he 100 people watching it only 6 remained to the end. Some ran out in tears. But is it over hyped?
    On its low budget and unknown cast I guess it adds to the realism and atmosphere. I really want to see this film, hopefully it goes worldwide. If not, on DVD would have to do.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I guess us Brits will just have to downl--er--hope for an international release.



    Does look interesting though. All this mockumentary stuff sure is becoming popular. I remember not being into that style when I saw Blair Witch, but I'm thinking that was just a crap film despite it's style. I've since seen other films, which I like, that use it.
    #6 buddhacrane, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    What was so scary about that? OMG, A DOOR CLOSED!!! So many horror flicks are just shitty excuses for movies with crap acting and even worse storylines... I wouldn't be surprised if this fits right into that category.
  8. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Same, its good they're trying new things but this seemed to have failed...

    It made me laugh when the guy flew into the camera at the end.. they went OTT on that.
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    lol how many movie trailers do you expect to actually scare you?

    i know where you're coming from here, but i have a feeling this film is more than that. Horror films, let alone low budget films would not have made it as far as this one did with the whole marketing campaign if it was just another **** horror film. Bad acting? doubt it, there are really only two actors in the whole film from what i can see. The whole movie basically runs on their acting.

    This is what i got watching the movie release spread to more and more theaters, it's gone a lot further than i expected and i wouldnt throw this off as a shitty excuse for a movie with crap acting and a bad storyline.

    I have to get to a theater to see this asap.
    #9 CHUCK, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I truly hope so. I like a good horror movie, but they are so rare these days.
  11. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Ive heard stuff like that too, it may be over hyped. But damn does it look scary.

    Its not really so much, "Ohhhh the door slammed, spooky" lol, its the experience that gives you chills. Especially with the sound of the theater, the surround sound and blaring noise.

    The movie is set up as a documentary, and my friend said he believed they were actually documenting this. It takes you through a day in there life, getting ready for the day, brushing teeth, eating... SO it gives the feal this is real.

    Im stoked for sunday, but my GF will probably make us leave :p
  12. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    yeah...the trailer scared me enough, avoiding that.

    Last time I went to one thing like that I went with my dad. Clutched him the entire time, I think he had finger nail marks....Course, I would still like to see it, just with lots of people and family.
    #12 Icecikle, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Heard it wasn't that scary. Like watching one of those ghost shows on Travel or Discovery. Oh well, I can't pass up a scary movie.
  14. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Ill pick you up around 10 so we can go the the midnight show :)

    But for real, I've heard a lot about this even before this thread. I'll most likely go and see it or down-er- buy it if it ever comes out.
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yo, where's the closest showing near you right now? Shaumberg is the closest here.
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Naperville is 30 and Schaumburg is 31 minutes says google
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    We should meet up at Shaumberg bro. But I might not go because I'm working this weekend.
  18. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I have to work tomorrow during the day, and its our HC tomorrow night.
    Another week for shur tho.
  19. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I just got back from seeing it.

    No one left, but there was plenty of screams. It's different then most horror films, it has a creepy, realistic feel and that is what scares you. There's no cheap pop-out scares, if anything is scary you'll see it right in front of you. What makes it win? It's based on a true story. I personally loved it.
  20. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Alot of movies like this do that. Cloverfield did it, and District 9 kinda did it. It makes no difference in the realism. The fact is, realism is in the action, and from the trailers I've seen, it looks like A Haunting made a movie.

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