Welcome to the Ultragon, a new training experience. This map is figured 3x bigger than the map octagon and is also made to Perfection, This map works best with any respawn mod game type, a 1v1 game type, FFA game type, or your favorite game type. I do not own or have I ever modified content. This map will also allow you to have great 1v1 experience against friends, Trash talkers, and free for alls (FFAs). This map is 100% enclosed, and spawn killing is possible after learning spawns, I take all credit for making this map and I would thank IFear Is IHear for testing this map with me. The Download Link is here Ultragon Download These are some of the pictures of the Ultragon! Thanks for reading Download link is here *Ultragon Download
Could you tell us what makes this octagon better than the other 63? I mean, I could've though of a million ways to make this unique architecturally, and you didn't do a single one.
I must say I accept a lot of critisism but I don't except someone being Mean over a map. It took me over 3 hours to make this map perfect, all the spawn testing and all the perfect piece alignment, So for MultiLockOn being how mean he was over a map I took time to make, It is not deserved, Before you criticize download the map because you didn't. SO don't even criticize if you don't even look at my map. Thanks for reading this. Yes I accept criticism only if it is constructive and given in a helping way not hurting.
Multi is right. This octagon has no difference then the other hundreds. But if it's bigger...maybe it's better..
i think that this map has been done alot of times before. not saying other people cant make it. if you wanted to make this map thats perfectly fine i dont care. and you do look like you are a decent forger. so trying as hard as i can not to be mean, i think you should take more time on your maps. 3 hours??? i mean in the scheme of things thats pretty fast. for my maps i usually take about 15 hours of forging. and than testing after that. i just think that if you would come up with a sweet design and execut it and take your time, you could plausably make some pretty awsome maps. but on this map ill give a 3.5/5 for nice forging, but not origionality. good job!!!
What multilockon is saying is make it original. Add something different to gamplay. I made mine with cannon mans giving the high ground a disadvantage. I also added high ground. lol. Try putting like, i don't know. An invicibility in the middle that you can only get if you are boosted or jump off someone's head. Maybe a gravity rotator on instant spawn? I don't know, but try and spice it up a bit. You obviously have the ability.
Once again someone has coppied another map and attempted to improve it subtly. Unless you have some radical improvement, which you do not, there is no reason for this map. I assume most people here on forgehub are like me and have filled 99 of their 100 custom content slots, and this really is not good enough to take up another. Try to strive for originality in your future maps.