Mythic II DLC Manhunt (Longshore)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Tyberiousfusion, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    Havn't posted a map in a while, so here I am :D

    This map is manhunt, everybody knows what manhunt is, just a game of hide and Seek

    Well, i will say this right here, it is not an interlocked map

    I am going for the setting of a poor, run down town, where the only thing to do is play manhunt.

    So anyway, this is infection, the Zombie starts in a open double box where the opening is facing up at the sky, where they can't get out. After 1 minute, a Man Cannon will spawn an shoot you out of the box.

    Also after 1 Minute ,a FX Gloomy will spawn, so it gives the map a nighttime feel to it, because manhunt is always at night.

    Oh, i forgot 1 Thing, All of the normal Indoors is blocked off, so no getting in. However, bases have been left open

    You may say this map is a cluttered mess, but actually, if you play it, you will realize it is meant to be that way. There are so many hiding spots you do not even understand.

    there are so many barrels, crates, pallets, double boxes, ETC that you don't even know

    Also there are some teleporters on this map that bring you to special locations.

    Only 1 Zombie, but any amount of non-zombies would be great for this map

    1-16 players, any amount will do

    So Here are some screenshots

    This is where the Zombie Starts

    After 60 Seconds, the man cannon spawns, and the zombie shoots out of the box, and then the gloomy spawns and it gets dark.

    This is the First Building where you can hide in (Reminding you that it is not interlocked)

    The first base, full of crates to hide behind

    Another Hiding spot, with one of the teleporters near it

    One of the more simplistic, yet overlooked hiding spots

    A long pipeline you can hide in

    This is one of the boxes that hangs off over the water which you can hide in

    If you jump into that man cannon, you land directly in the box

    The second base full of crates to hide behind

    The second building you can hide in

    Another box hanging off in the corner

    One of the teleporters you can go through

    One of the lamest hiding spots on this map, yet it is highly overlooked, if you knock out the pallet, you go inside all the water crates, its actually a decent hiding spots.

    The location of where one of the teleporters lands you, on top of the pole


    So yah leave some reviews and comments, and keep in mind it is supposed to look like a run down town, non neat and non interlocked

    Manhunt Map : Halo 3 File Details

    Hide & Seek gametype : Halo 3 File Details

    So download and enjoy

    Anybody got anything to say about this map
    #1 Tyberiousfusion, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  2. hypervegas

    hypervegas Ancient
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    Honestly it really doesnt look that well done
  3. Shadowforge14

    Shadowforge14 Ancient
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    Did you read the whole thing, i said in the whole thing, it is not meant to be neat or interlocked, the point of this map is a run down, poor town
  4. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    run down =/= slanted walls everywhere. I can't really appreciate a map with a "run-down" if the whole map is like that.
  5. TpYourHouse

    TpYourHouse Ancient
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    I don't like how some of the spots you get into you cannot get back out. It looks very sloppy. 2/5. If you improve it by making it look better and adding more/better hiding spots I will DL it. I am a huge fan of Hide & Seek but this map doesn't cut it for me.
  6. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    I don't care what any one else says. It looks good to me. Other then the buildings. The buildings could be different. I don't like how there so tall if it's supposed to be run down.
  7. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Okay, run down, does not mean half-ass.
    Merging/Interlocking/noclipping objects correctly will add to your "run down look"...

    If this was done correctly when I saw the pictures I would have thought to myself that its meant to be run down, not slacked.

    2/5. no DL
  8. skunkchop

    skunkchop Ancient
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    People care too much for aesthetics. That really annoys me.
    Seems like a really fun concept, I'm not sure if it was done before.
    Haven't tried it, but seems like a 4/5 or 4.5/5 from the pictures and descriptions.
    My only complaint is that the zombie has to wait 60 seconds to start hunting the players down. I guess there isn't really a way to avoid that, is there?
  9. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I did DL, and although it doesnt look the best, it has its strong points. Some of the blocks lead to ledges on the map that provide even better hiding spots. Good work, but I would work on the buildings. They can be merged and good.
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    CnC. Dont even try improve it. You cannot improve a map that is based solely on camping.

    You cannot blame your lack of forging skill by calling the map 'run down'?
  11. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    I just think it would look a little better if you merged a little. I understand you want it to be run down but it doesnt look like you put a lot into this map. On picture #9 it says you land directly into the box? I think thats hard to believe because you can always go off a mancannon sideways and miss badly. 2.5/5

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