
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Download links:
    Game Variant

    Map Variant

    Other L4D levels that use the same game variant:
    The Church


    RooftopFinaleV2 is a remake of the Fifth level of No Mercy in Left 4 Dead. Both the map and gametype were made to best recreate the same game you played in Left 4 Dead. Gameplay is fast, and interesting for both sides to play. More info on what the gametype is, and how you could build for the same gametype, here.​
    (overview from the right shoulder)

    (overview from the left shoulder)

    (Side view)

    (a view at the main building)

    (Looking inside the front window)

    (looking inside from the right window)

    (looking inside from the back door)

    (this picture puts the next two into context)

    (left structure)

    (right structure)

    (Center strip)

    (Inside the helipad)

    Now that the map layout is done being explained, here’s the zombie’s point of view.
    This is where the zombies start; they have to wait 30 seconds, or until someone presses the button for the teleporter in the center to become unblocked. While they wait, they have several doohickeys to play with. A tower of radio towers to knock over, man cannons to launch with, teleporters to, um… port with, and an elevator to fly up with.

    “or until someone presses the button?”

    Yes, the humans can choose to start the infection at any point in time, but the game always starts at 30 seconds regardless.

    “How does it happen?”
    Remember where the button was in the real Left 4 Dead? Well the radio was represented by a weapon holder, and under that, there is a mongoose with a fusion coil on it. Because you can interact with vehicles without seeing them, you can still flip the goose and drop the fusion coil.​
    …It activates a max/min switch and forces a fusion coil to spawn…​
    …Removing the pallet from the teleporter, and freeing the zombies.​
    Now when zombies go through the teleporter they have a choice to go through the left teleporter, the right one, or to just hop down. Although the teleporters are much faster they can be camped, and because teleporters can be camped, the players can also hop down to almost any point in the map.​
    (The teleporters both lead to two other receiver nodes, one on top of the structure, and one on the ground level close to the structure.) Once the zombies attack the humans, they respawn here. Here is where they pick up either the sentinel beam, flare/radar jammer, active camo, or custom power-up/hammer equipment.​
    They drop on down the hole and re-enter the cycle of life.

    "Wow I already know how to break the map! When I lose a lot of my health I can just leap off the edge of the map and get it all back!"

    Wrong, this used to be a problem in earlier versions of this level, but not anymore! How you say? Well, with the shame box! All of the humans starting points are inside of the building, but their respawn points are all in the shame box, let me show you how it works. (the shame box doesn't appear until 45 seconds into the game)
    Then the zombies tickle you to death, while the shield doors keep you from killing them.

    Game Variant

    Map Variant

    If you have any question, feel free to ask!
    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Oct 16, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  2. ilikenachosdou

    ilikenachosdou Ancient
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    when i first opened up this page and saw the first page, it blew my mind because it looks really like the level from left 4 dead. if you could you can make a original version or something where there are 3 weapon holders interlocked under the gun self holding a bunch of brs on one (m16), second could be shotgun (pump), ect you get it but put a bunch just one one cause it would be like the original game.other than that this is a download for me......once i get my live back up, this picture i mean the shelf inter lock underneath[​IMG]
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To the guy above me, so you pretty much want him to put the ammo pile there? That probably wouldn't play very well, this looks pretty accurate though and it was my favorite of all the campaign ends so ill give it a dl later
  4. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I originally had this in mind, but due to OLN, and budget constraints, it had to be taken out because it was an extra feature.
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Bout' time this got up, definitely my favorite of the 2 L4D maps you've made. After spending months making little changes on this to reach perfection, that is what you now have. I still find this enjoyable even after many testing sessions. Nothing seemed too overpowering (except maybe the smoker when used correctly), and the weapons respawn times are set well making for a fun challange. shame box ftw.
  6. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
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    Finally a good remake of Left 4 Dead. The button to activate the zombies is a great touch to the map, making it feel more like Left 4 Dead. The shame box is great for people who think they're smart.
  7. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I'm guessing the mongoose fixed the problem you were having with the switch a while back. Glad you found a solution.

    I have to say though, if you'd ever found a way to incorporate the whole level like you had originally, it would've been ultra-epic. Assassinations did pose a big problem though
    #7 Organite, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2009

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