I'm conducting my party a bit differently for the sake of helping maps gain notice and helpful comments so I'll just clarify some of the rules. General Requirements How to join the Party Find two maps from different subforums of the map section that adhere to the following specifications: not made by you not a featured map made by a member who does not have a colored name must be from legendary DLC or prior (at least two) you MAY post additional maps (such as those on Longshore, those that dont fit guidelines) but we will only play them if everyone has the DLC required and there is enough time or I have the will to during breaks Download them to your hard drive Post here with the following Your Gamertag FH links to the two maps you've chosen Information on the DLC you have Downloaded. Heroic, Legendary, Mythic. What gameplay you prefer (racing, MLG, etc). I will use this to choose maps for our play between the scheduled maps posted in here. Wait expectantly for an invite on Friday the 16th of October. DO NOT use the same map as someone else, if the map has already been posted here, chose another. What to do after the Party Post any comments (constructive criticism too) on this new system and whether or not you'd like to see it employed more often. Post a comment in each of the map threads for the maps you downloaded and brought to the party. I will be monitoring this. Post a comment in the thread for one other map we played in the party. Quote your comments and link to the map threads that contain them. If we did not play your maps, or for some reason you couldn't access them, you must comment in no less than FIVE map threads for the maps we played. I'm trying to help the community interact more as well as leave a plethora of helpful comments for maps that would normally go unnoticed. There's really no reward, so if you're expecting one, shame on you, if you aren't, you're a good person. Then again, I may be able to procure some sort of CT or something for repeated future involvement. No promises. ONLY POST YOUR SIGN-UP. Comments and questions can be directed to me via PM/VM. After the party I'll open this thread up for any post-party comments you may have.
Security77 The Last Day v3 by Master Debayter | Turbulence by HJ117 All DLC including Mythic II Casual - Racing - Minigames
GT: BuddhaCrane Map Selection: -Project Kappa by Dow_iz_Stereoptype from Casual -Paradox by maxp0095 from Competitive DLC: All Preferred Gametype: Mini-Game
GT: Zanitor Maps Chosen: Corruo Sato by CaptianSTFU Ring Fire by BraveDave My favorites, are normally Mini Games.
GT: MeNaCe x TIGER Maps: Sniping on a Ractrack by ShadowVanish from Mini-Game Looking for another.. DLC: All including Mythic II Preferred: Doesn't matter, whatever we play is fine.
1. used man 2.the hollow by urban myth dark creek by padres1944 3.all 4.default competitive gametypes
GT: Maxp0095 All DLC (including Mythic ll) The floor guardian by mettalyptica (casual) Nectar by makisupa007(Competitive) Competitive player
REALLY ****ing sorry guys, family obligations took priority. Spur of the moment and didn't have access to the internet to fix this.
It's alright. The problem was I was curled up in a ball sobbing for two hours until I joined another TGIF party.
Could this same sign-up and everything be transferred to next TGIF? I'd really like to do this again. I would've been late anyway.
It's alright Sarge, hope you have one next TGIF . Also, I really like this sign-up set-up. It's a lot neater, and easier for hosts to see who they need to invite...