I was forging a couple days after ghost merging came out, and was playing around with it in the dunes. I actually got a cool structure going, but then there was this one geomerge i had to do that I couldn't do with ghost merging. I did a good job with the mancannon braces then I tapped it and I saved and ended the game. When I got back into the forging session I found out the object was twisted. I then boosted twords it to delete it and try again. Then it happened: as soon as I came close enough to pick it up, it turned invisable. I got the green riticule with the hand showing I could pick it up, but there was nothing there. When I turned into a spartan, there was a 10m ish circle where if I stepped into it, the object dissappeared. If you shoot it, it stops bullets. And you can't walk through it. This was a while ago and the reason I want to know now is because I am making a map where I want to use this, but don't know exactly how I did it in the first place. I think it might have something to do with sinking the objects teardrop or maby it's center of gravity below the dunes. Does anyone know what is going on?
Some objects, when geomerged in certain places, turn invisible. It's just a glitch, you can't really control it.
Ya that happened to me as well when I was trying to make a bridge and the stone supports disappeared on me.
some of the walls in citadel do the same thing, but iv experienced this on almost every map. Like others have said just a random glitch, maybe because forge wasn't built for us to merge objects into the geometry of the map lol.
Did u delete the dummied object before you started a new round? Because sometimes that would happen to me.. When i am ghost merging something and then i delete the other object that i used to ghost merge it, before starting a new round, the other object gets deleted.
My friend geomerged a double block into the wall on Longshore, and inside the room near the freezer, it pokes through. But, get close to it, and it disappears. It's a very common glitch, but I'm pretty sure it only shows up in Forge.
Alright. It's a problem with ghost merging. If you merge an object around 1/2 way through the ground, then it will be invisible from certain points. If you don't go so deep, it will be fine. The only way to fix this, and still use Ghost Merging, is to brace it with teleporters on every side, even under the map, and double tap A on it and save. Example: in the horrible image below, the part of the box above the line will have issues with invisibility. If you were to walk below the line, and walk around the box, it would never go invisible, because it is more than half way out of the ground. The top bit is less than half, so it glitches. |..........................................| |..........................................| |............|------|....... ...........| |------------------------------| |............|........|....................| |............|........|....................| |............|_____|....................|
I find that when the ghost merged object turns invisible on me to place it at start NO. And since it's an OLN object it doesn't effect it, but makes it visible.
Honor, that might help for Forge? maybe? I haven't tried. But there is no way that will help for customs.
Ill explain.. The game loads the levels map info. but you are not always using it all. kinda like if you have a map that has a TON of crap merged on one spot, it lags up only if you look at that spot cause its actually using it. how its related: go into foundry, get out of the level on the window side using TELEs and then head "toward s the back hallway" you'll notice that the level think you are looking elsewhere and wont load all of the level. I had a map made in the tunnels and all my spawned objects would vanish then load if i moved back. the game thinks the object is out further than it is, so it doesnt load it. that why it stops bullets, but not as it it was merely reflecting them.