The title says it all. I have listed all confirmed weapons from the upcoming game Modern Warfare 2. I take absolutely no credit for these finds. All the weapons are linked to a description of the gun and a confirmation shot. Found on a site called modernwarfare247. Which is a great site and I recomend checking it out, its got just about everything on MW2 you'd want to know. Anyways here are the guns. PRIMARY WEAPONS Assault rifles Bushmaster ACR (also known as the Magpul Masada) TAR-21 FAMAS-F1 F2000 SCAR-H FN FAL AK-47 MK.14 Mod 0 EBR M4 Carbine M16A4 G3 Sub Machine Guns UMP .45 KRISS Super-V P90 MP5k MP9 Light Machine Guns RPD M240 HK MG4 SA80 L86 LSW Steyr AUG HBAR Sniper Rifles Walther WA 2000 SVD Dragunov Barrett M107 Intervention M-200 Riot Shield SECONDARY WEAPONS Machine Pistols Glock 18 PP-2000 mini uzi Shotguns Franchi SPAS-12 Benelli M1014 AA-12 Winchester W1200 Winchester 1887 (Terminator Gun) Armsel Striker Handguns USP .45 Desert Eagle Colt M1911 .44 Magnum Beretta M9 Launchers AT4 M79 (Thumper) ENJOY! Heres some gameplay also Afghanistan Highrise Favela
The .50 cal is that BarretM107 and sweet I love most of the assault rifles except for the G3 I was just never good with it in C.O.D4, good find but I found this like 30 min. before you posted.
Yea i just found the site like 3 days ago, and decided to post the weapons, and im thinkin about goin and posting all the videos and interviews in a new thread.
Why the hell did they take out the M40A3?!?!?! I am now not as excited for this game unless one of the new snipers replaces it. And they brought back the Dragunav??? WHY???
Like i said these arent all of the guns in the game.(i think) Just the ones that have been spotted in trailers and gameplay vids.
Looks good, if only they put these guns in Modern Warfare though. I'm personally not to fond of Moderan Warfare. But whatever, I just hope Infinity ward could be this good. Any way, I may actually buy this game now, never heard of it but these weapons are great. Gonna buy Modern Warfare 2 first though.
The Dragunav is amazing, it's a Sniper that's not just point, click, kill. You actually have to pull off some headshots. Also it's a weapon that just feels good for some, like me. I have an unexplained love for this weapon. This is probably gonna start a huge argument, but I'm going to say this regardless. I hope they take out the M40. It was ridiculously strong with Stopping Power + ACOG, so ridiculous that it was unfair. Happy to see the return of the M4, but also hope to see the M16 get a decline in power.
Can you read? Anyway, I love the way this game looks. I cannot wait until november! That is a big weapons loadout, I hope they deliver.
Don't freak out the CheyTec Intervention is probably going to replace it except the Intervention has a bigger caliber(.408 compared to the 2x51mm NATO) and its more accurate(being arguably the most accurate gun in the world)
I can only hope. That gun was far too over powered in Cod 4, considering it was basically an insta-kill with stopping power or in hardcore. (although most rifles were in hardcore, this one was especially frown-inducing) In real combat situations: because it's cheap and reliable. In games: because they are based of real combat situations.
Yeah. I mean, this game sounds awesome, but i'll probably just buy Modern Warfare 2. When does it come out?
Well considering its been seen in the one image with the marine walking forward and he's holding the gun at his side, (looks most likely to be an m16) it must be in the game. And yes I do remember them saying no M16. But i think they were talking about multiplayer. Because they did say they would have some campaign only guns.