The first installment of the MLP Jump: series is..... This map! This is meant for beginner-intermediate jumpers. Onto the map: Spawn below double wall: a ghost jump. Slide up fence wall ghost off of wall ghost off fence wall then foundry wall ramp jump double ghost (cant see in screenshot for some reason) Slide ramp (credit to Taco fro idea) jump off of foundry wall, onto fence wall, then curve to wall. ghost off of window panel then ghost to other side of wall. Vertical curve to ghost. ghost off of bridge, the ghost again up tp teleporter door. *Oddball room is a surprise Map- MLP Jump:Easy Gametype- MLP Jump
Ghost,Ghost,Ghost,Ghost,Ghost,Ghost,Ghost,Ghost,slide,Ghost,slide. I don't know alot about jumps but can't you add some other varriety? Like equipment jumps for example? It looks fine otherwise.
Yea, what he said, I would have MAYBE enjoyed it, except for the (stupid) fact that I can't ghost jump.. This doesn't mean that you should take any of the ghost jumps out, just add more variety. I will download and see if I can beat it with(out) forge. *wink* All in all, it looks like a pretty jump map, with all of the interlocking. Good job! EDIT: Yeeeeaaa, I can't ghost jump at all, so I personally can't rate this. -_- Sorry!
thx thx for the constructive critisicm. Yeah, now that I look at it, i do have alot of ghost jumps. but what is done is done.
I can ghost jump 90% of the time, but some of the parts got frustrating. I don't know why you can call this an Easy map. Should be Hard. I mean, I wonder what your hard version is compared to the Easy one... Good job though on constructing the map, but it really made me annoyed.
I knows I now this map isnt that great, i might edit some of the ghost jumps. Check out MLP jump intermediate, its better forged but has alot of ghost jumps. My jump course revolve around ghost's, i guess because I like them. MLP jump intermediate is posted farther down the page.
Actually, now that I played alittle more of it, I've gotten to the room with the two ramped fenced walls, and the ghost jump to get back up to the box, room. I've gotta say though I used to be 90% good at ghost jumping, but now I can do them maybe 95% of the time now. No, not what he said. If you can't ghost jump don't play the map. Or at least play it so you can get better at ghost jumping, I think this map is a nice addition, so you can practice ghost jumping. And he did add a variety. Not ALL of it is ghost jumps, theres a few ramp jumps, the slide jump part(the 2 ramped fence walls). And ghost jumping is quite easy, you just gotta know the distance at which to jump. That is all, this is my best tip to anyone who needs help. Oh yea, and I'm quite happy that for the first time, I've been able to double ghost. And that was a big accoplishment to me. Thanks to this map I can ghost jump 95% of the time now.
I'm glad it helped. Jump courses are made for fun obviously, but they are also made to help you. If you practice on them, you will eventually get better at specific jumps. I'm glad it helped you xlulz
Only problem with equipment jump is that you have to be connection host in order to do them properly... So if you want to play with multiple people, then sorry... [sarcasm]Also... this looks incredibly easy and shouldnt be bothered with if you are any good at jumping already.[/sarcasm] I guess it is just the pictures that make it look tough, but that seems like a pretty hard jumping map (and Im not THAT much of a beginner)
I wish I could do this map fully, the ghost jumps are easy to me, but the ramp slide thingy with the two fence walls. I just can't do that part, I think the reason why is I dont know how to do it. Can you explain how you perform that jump? Like jump then crouch etc.