Night of Survival

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by xDigitalFatal1ty, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    Hay everyone and welcome to Night Of Survival. N.O.S is a Mock-up of the popular L4d gametype that includes 5 different classes for zombies, and a central point humans must defend. In N.O.S there are 4 survivors (if you play with a full 16 PPl) the other 12 players start as zombies. The Survivors have 45 sec to pick up weapons and set a few traps (trip mines). For the first 30 sec it day time but then the darkness sets in ,our survivors didnt realize there was no electricity, after 45 sec zombies are coming to attack. After 2 min of gameplay a hornet spawns in and is destroyed i was you rescue vehicle but now it just brings you a sniper and a shield regenerator. after 3 min of gamplay you get the lights working but you anger the tank which is now on its way. so there is kinda the what you need to no section and here are the pics.

    This is the House the survivors must defend (Day time)

    (night time)

    There are almost 6 different classes for zombies to choose from hunter, smoker, boomer, tank , there is also an invisible hunter that spawns every 2 min, now for my secret zombie its what i call a lecher. now here are sum pics and tips

    humans - humans as prety hard to kill if every one is doing there own thing. This game type requiers that all the zombies work together to kill them.


    Zombie - zombies are best used in swarms and need to rush with charged plasma pistols to take down the humans shields. It will take a few shots to take shields down but its worth it in the end. They don't do much damage unless you use them to assasanate the humans it takes like 9 hit even with human shields down to beat them down.


    Hunters- hunters are just like Zombies but have a sword with that they do more damage (3 hits with shields down) hunters are best use to ambush humans from around corners and from the roof


    Invisable Hunters are just invisable hunters are prety much what it shounds like.


    Smokers- smokers have sentanal beams and are used to annoy the liveing day lights out of humans they do little damage but can hit humans from range it helps with campers.


    boomer - the boomer is equipped with a power drain to simulate a hord attack . Pretty much there just annoying.


    Tank- the tank is just as strong as the humans but moves twice as slow equiped with a gravity hammer and if you dont move fast enuf your shild will start to drop they have a way point over ther head so ever one knows were he is at.


    Leachers- take a while to kill if ther hitting you they get 100% leach from every hit and are green they also can mix bread with other zombie types hint hint ;)


    a hornet will spawn every 2 min (2 min mark 4 min mark and so on so on) it will bring health( rgenerator youse to recarge your shield if you get stuck in a corner with a tank lol) and a sniper


    you only get 4 trip mines so use them well.


    random shot

    well thats it um wish i had more pics but we only had a few ppl testing it out. its also 2 30 in the morn if you wana help test maps in the future send me a FR on the box DigitalFatal1ty :)

    i hope to make this a Dlc type project with many maps and new zombies i have a few in mind so if any one wants to help just give me sum ideas thanks :)

    game type
    #1 xDigitalFatal1ty, Oct 10, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  2. Joe is Outside

    Joe is Outside Ancient
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    First thing I see, is that it is really too dark... I suggest Juicy and Colorblind effects because they will give you a gloomy effect but not too dark... But, it looks fun to play... and I like the style of the base. Just change the effects... and the Crypt is darker than the Sandbox and the Sky bubble
  3. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    I like the dropping Hornet effect.
    I don't think its to dark, although some filterless pics would be nice.
    Maybe you could drop the hornet through a killball and have four seperate drop sites to mix up the gameplay a bit.
  4. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    there are blue lights that come on after 3 min to simulate a generator coming on thats when the tank also spawns i just didnt have a pic i fix it after i took all the pics
  5. TheSoundOfSeparation

    Senior Member

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    Nice map, it does capture the feel of l4d pretty good. I really enjoy playing this.
  6. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    This looks VERY SIMILAR to my SURVIAL! gametype that was released 5 months ago..

    You have almost the exact same layout and type of play as mine? You also have the same tele system, boss system, and building layout as me.


  7. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    i do remember that map i help i played it with you once i think but i had started this map b4 then this is rly a combo of alot if dif maps i played and you know that 90% are not original on forge hub. i have staled putting this on here bc i was lazy.this was prob ready when yours came out and i have 3 more done that im just to lazy to put on here bc u barly get a response from any one so whats the point so yea dont wory bout it
  8. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    First of all please spell right and use correct grammar. Second, The tank goes faster then the humans and i dont think the boomer should have power drains because a boomer smoker combo could completely destroy the humans. I also think that the bommer should have a flare or some other equipment. Looks like it could be fun but doesnt look like it would be that interesting. Once again please use better grammar it took me a couple tries to even try to understand what you were typing.
  9. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    i disagree with the flare bc what the point in having a room full of guy who cant see human and zombie. the boomer is made to make the humans move and if they dont they pay for it so if you get owned by my smokers and boomers you need to turn off ur box and stop playing halo bc they do very little damage. this is a game type were you survive you are supose to survive, what the point in making it easy its supose to chalange you i am a big fan of infection games were u are outnumbered and you just have to survive
  10. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    God, why is everybody posting l4d maps nowadays? Nothing against yours man beacuse it looks awesome it just I'm making one and just realizing that there are so MANY if them posted on here. I'm going to have to come up with a new concept or something
  11. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    yea there are a lot but i just like the style this gametype has 2 offer so thats y i make um
  12. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    working on a new map look out for it
  13. King Bacchus

    King Bacchus Forerunner

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    I would suggest making your post look a little more "professional," (Ex. Correct Grammer, correct spelling, etc.) It makes it look like you put a lot of effort into your map. But that's just me, hehe.
  14. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    This sounds exactly like L4D but this looks alot more fun! Not many infection maps I have seen use different zombie classes so great job. I dont understand when you said the leecher can breed with other zombie types, hmmm it looks like I am going to have to find out. Anyway really nice job, the FX make it just a little easier for the zombies to take the advantage and I like that.

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