This map began about three weeks ago. It is inspired by Sidewinder/Avalanche in design of the middle part of the map. It is completely symmetric and should work well with Flag. This is all for constructive criticism, so please, just point out your opinion. The pictures make it look...messier than it really is. Please, tell me what you think. Many thanks to Fire Phoenix 117 and Urban Myth XXXX.
Looks verry nice, and i agree that it looks suitable for mutliflag. I like every single structure but the one in the 6th picture. I don't think it looks that messy, but in the future take your pictures in custom games so you don't have the grid.. other than that it looks like the map is coming along great. The bases look well put togeather, and while the center structure looks cool, it doesn't really serve a purpose. I'll most likely dl when it's released. -nice job
I remember seeing this when I met you with Fire Phoenix. It looks absolutely amazing. That arch in the back of the map is aesthetically amazing, but I'm skeptical of the center, maybe changing it up a little because it seems too much like a conquest map or somethng of the sort, but I can be wrong. The bases are also really cool and I didn't see the second floor yet. I hope to see this again and I can't wait for this to be released.
For the small cone-shaped structures on both sides of the middle area, I recommend either giving them a purpose beyond cover, or making it a larger, more intricate piece of cover like a claw or something. The bases definitely need to be added on to, preferably extended down the outside of the map into the corner or near it to spread out players that will just keep it to the inside along the middle area.
In the corners opposite of each base, I'm making a 'mini-base'. A teleporter will send you to the opposite corner to move people towards the arch. I do like the idea of the claw. Maybe I could make an extension like the main arch, but smaller? Or even connecting all three.
Really? Because the layout looks a lot like Danger_Canyon. From Halo: CE PC. Anyway, I was thinking about doing something like this, its a good layout, go for it.