Pre-DLC Medical Unit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Oridgion, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Oridgion

    Oridgion Ancient
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    Hello I am new here, but I decided to join after seeing alot of cool maps and games here. Now I would like to share one of my own.

    In this game each team has 1 Medic. Your medic not only will give you a nice dark grey color making you harder to see, but he will make you more resistant to damage, heal faster, move a bit faster, jump a bit higher and gives you free nades! Moving too far away from your medic can get the other team free kills. If you choose to do so, you will become bright white and more easy to kill. Needless to say sticking near your team's medic and pretecting him is the name of the game.

    As for scoring it works the same way as team slayer, exept 1 person on your team will be healing you and making you stronger, so pretect your medic!

    As for the medics themselfs, they aren't very strong. They do no damage, but they are a vital team mate none the less.

    You will have to stay together as a team and protect your medic using all the stradegy, team work, and comunication at your desposal.

    Here are some pics:




    Working together is the key! Keep your medic alive!

    More game type info
    recomended team size: 3 or more.

    VIP STATS: 50% damage resistance, 100% shield recharge, normal shields, 0% damage can give, 100% speed, 100% gravity, green color.

    Soldier STATS: 50% damage resistance, 50% shield recharge, normal shields, 90% damage can give, 90% speed, 150% gravity, white color.

    VIP Boosted Soldier STATS: 150% damage resistance, 200% shield recharge, normal shields, 100% damage can give, 110% speed, 100% gravity, black color, nade genoration.

    I am still just in the phase of fixing a few things, so there is only 1 lv. for now. Please post anything that needs or should be fixed to make this game better. Once the game gets a little attention, I will work on making more lvs for it.

    #1 Oridgion, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  2. RolandDeschain

    RolandDeschain Ancient
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    You can't use for screenshots. Try Just go to enter your gamertag. Then click on the picture and copy and paste the link, can't remember wich one but it says something about forgehub on it. Hope this helps!
  3. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok you have a problem with your pictures.

    first of take your picture on xbox live they will be uploaded to bungie.
    go to and download your pictures from there. Then go to and regester and uload your pictures there.

    Then look at your pictures and it will have link options copy direct link and paste it on this site

    Edit: roland haloscreenshots does not work anymore there looking for a new host
    #3 Combat P3nguin, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  4. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you spelt guardian wrong, its g-u not g-a

    and embedded your screenies.

    also you may want to post gametype details since it is mostly the gametype

    good day sir!
  5. Oridgion

    Oridgion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanx guys, fixing this now.

    PS: Now that some people may try this, i was woundering if it would be better to make the medic do a little damage, rather than none at all, as it could be realy boring playing as the medic. I'm not sure though. So if someone trys this out I would appreciate if you could give your feedback on that as well. Thanks again for the help people.
    #5 Oridgion, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  6. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    I like this concept, it's something I hadn't really considered before, but definitely is a good idea for class based games.
  7. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    a really good idea (the gametype) llooks great. Mind if i use it in my maps?
  8. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The gametype looks pretty good, but I don't see anything special about the map. As far as I can tell from the pics, there isn't anything on your map. You may want to include a few screenies of the map itself. Nice gametype though.
  9. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Great idea for the gametype but like he said I dont know anything special about the map or how it looks. Could you include some pictures please? The gametype looks great though. 4/5 dl for now
  10. DeuXenoku

    DeuXenoku Ancient
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    I remember seeing a gametype like this on bungie favorites. It was called 'Medic' and it was produced by forge-union. And the gametype can work just on your map?
  11. Oridgion

    Oridgion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks guys. I'm glad you all like the concept.

    As for the map, well, There are no weapons, wich makes things less confusing since you can't pick up weapons in this game type anyway. Also Instead of scatered powerups, there is one camo in the middle that way both teams can fight over it, most likely for there medic.

    As for the ideah being used b4, I'm not surprized, I actualy got the ideah from resistance 2 co-op where players get to go threw levels and a medic was a realy big part of the teamwork, so I wanted to see how it work out in halo on TS.

    Someone also asked if they could use this on one of thier maps, and I say go 4 it.

    An ideah I had to improve this was to make the medic do minor damage, and also change to game to have 3-5 rounds and everyone have 1 life, since when your medic dies things can go downhill very fast and the game kinda goes 1 sided tull your team gets thier stuff together again, and I think rounds can fix this. So I will be working on a v2 for this and try making some more maps 4 this game as well.

    Once again, thanks guys. :)
    #11 Oridgion, Oct 15, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  12. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but I have already made a Medic gametype, and so has another person, except theirs was in Bungie Favorites. It's a nice concept, and I liked the idea when I did it. But, I will give you props for thinking up this genious concept. ;)
  13. Oridgion

    Oridgion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, like I said, I'm sure the ideah has been around, I personaly got mine from resistance 2 co-op. I would be happy to try yours and the one that was on bungie favs if someone PMs me a link.

    It would also be kinda pointless if my gametype is too simalar, so if I could try these out I'll try to make v2 more difforent, if it is too much like those medic games anyways.

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