So, what is it? Right or Wrong? I personnaly feel that if the patient is willing, whats wrong. Now I feel that there should be certain criteria to make a person eligible for assisted suicide, just so someone who's just depressed doesn't make any bad decisions. I think that the only people allowed to do this should be people who are terminally ill, or close to it, and have no or very little chance of getting better. I would not put an age limit on this, but I doubt a kid with bone cancer is going to want to end his life anyway. So, with that, let the debate begin. On a side note: The more correct term in voluntary euthanasia.
I agree that it should be alowd in cases where a patient is in serious pain or is becoming paralized. I don't like how the law is against this. Places like switzerland allow this but most countrys state that its illegal to help someone go abroad to do this.
I just think it would be a victory for freedom to allow this in America. We want to be better than the Europeans, right?
I don't understand why it is illegal, if somebody wants to die, they're either going to get sombody to help them kill themselves, or do it themselves, if they do it themselves, then nobody will understand an they did it, but if it is doctor assisted suicide, then the person is probably in extreame pain or paralasis and it would be a good thing for the doctor to kill them. It's the same as putting a pet down. If it is in pain, you don't want to see it go through it, so you put it down.
Just wanna point this out: Are you saying that you put down pets because YOURE going through agony watching them live through pain?
No, that came out totally different then how I thought of it. What I meant was "if you see your pet is going through extreame pain, and it hurts it to breathe because of a lacerated lung per say you are saving it A life of pain. We had to put my dog down because of a similar injury and the get said it would be beat for her to go then instead of a few pain filled months later. wrote a bad speech on it lol
this was in the news a while back A woman was fighting the goverment, because she couldnt get her husband to help kill herself sho won i think andthye law has been changed or will be but there is a lot of IFs and BUT along with it such as if the person is unsure wether to go through with it or not, it is illigal if the person convinces them to commit suicide with help or if the person who has assited the suicide would have some sort of benifit from the death such as having a large sum of money left to them in the pesons will but all that im not sure about, i got it off "Breakfast" on bbc 1
in my opinion, if you need help to kill yourself, you deserve to die. but to put a doctor, or any other person in that position to ask them that, is horrible. but if the person is willing to help, and the person dying is actually thinking it over and making a rational decision, than it should be alright.
Why is it horrible to ask for a doctors help? If you have thought it through and you decide to go ahead then the doctor is doing you a favor, and he/she should be mutual about it.
If it was involuntary euthanasia, that is wrong, that'd be murder, against the patient's will. BUT, if the patient is volunteering for it, and would commit suicide alone if he or she could, then there is nothing wrong. I think it's important in this debate to first establish if we feel that people have the right to commit suicide. As for that question, I'd say yes, people should have this right. First off, your body is your body- no one else's. What you do to it, even if it is harmful and of concern to someone else, shouldn't be allowed to be stopped unless there is consent from you. Yes, it is sad people would commit suicide, but the fact is it is their own body, and they have the right to do to it as they want. The same reason no one can really stop you from getting piercings, tattoos and other things. Going on this, voluntary euthanasia should be legal. It isn't harming the patient or murder if it's what the patient wants. If I give someone consent to take my belongings, it is not theft.