way to advertise you used the internet to find the skulls, anyways Is matchmaking really that bad? I haven't gotten to play Halo 3 since FHEAP. or sat night ... can't remember.
OMFG!! I was playing with my friend, whos 14, not 10, he just got Halo 3 yesterday and I played with him on socia. He's a recruit, so I was stuck with Gunnery Seargents, Recruits, etc. And there were SO MANY LITTLE KIDS OMFG! IT WAS INSANE. I told them they had to be over 5 foot tall and have some balls to talk to me. Little pea's don't count and you can't wear high heels.
That was mildly graphic .... still doesn't answer my question though. Is this speculation? or is it true?
LOL It's true, we are being jumped by little kids omg. Tell them Santa Clause isn't real and they'll probably start crying, that's a way to get rid of them. Or tell them their parents don't love them, that'll shut'em up for a while.
I did that once...The kid chased me all around campus, and lucky for me he wasnt the skinniest and was trying to skateboard after me... When he finally told the teacher he said I beat him up, but it was just the scrapes from biffing...Anyway, I got 3 day suspension and a warning that I could get expelled next time...I dont care, aslong as I can see another fat kid fall..
As long as Forge Hub isn't flooded with terrible maps, I don't care about them being on Halo 3, as I do not play matchmaking.
****! I hate dem 10 year olds lolz. They ruin all video games. First world of warcraft, then halo 2, then gears of war, now halo 3. WE MUST FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who cares what age the people are on matchmaking, matchmaking's boring, and if you really do have to play it, it doesn't matter. Because in matchmaking the mic goes away, and you can't hear anyone in the game (or at least in Lone Wolves). Also, a ten year who hasn't played Halo before should be good to get me a couple experience points.
MM is NOT boring. I play DT and TS. I'm 40 in DT and 42 in TS. It gets really competetive and extremely fun.