So, My X-Box red ringed (yes, of death). I had a Foundation remake on there that's just about done.. and now I have to wait a few weeks before I can finish it. I've finished the outer rectangle, flooring, stairs, 1/2 of the turret platforms, and 3/4 of the center area. All the map really needs is walling, and a few extra details (respawn points, objectives, play testing, etc) If you're a pro forger and you want to complete this map up to my standards, I'll be happy to give half of the map's credit to that person. Quite literally everything is interlocked, and based on accurate numbers of the previous foundation. In essence, once this map is completed.. it will be a *perfect* remake. Anybody who needs foundation will use it. So, if you're willing to wall off a few blocks according to my specifications and receive credit for it.. then reply and I can get something worked out. I am a sad panda, because I was going to finish this remake this weekend and release it unexpectedly. But that just isn't going to happen now that my xbox is dead.
Alright, well what I'm going to need to do to get you my map is go to my brother's college and put the map on my file share there. From there, I can provide you with schematics, layout specifications, unique qualities of the maps, and how things should be completed so it doesn't look amazing on one part of the map, and half assed on another. To start, some of the methods I used are: -Ghost Merging (Used this for geomerges too) -Interlocking - Using Walls -Made sure that there are no large bumps after an interlock. If you can't walk across it smoothly, then it's a large bump -All of my schematics are based on seconds. One, One-one, one-one-thous, one-one-thousand, and so on. Basically, you will need to steadily count out loud to find an accurate distance. If you count too fast or slow, it will turn out wrong. There are respawn points located on the map that you can use to get an idea of how fast I counted while forging this map. -Thriftiness - I am forging with the mindset of using as little objects as possible, and using the most useful objects where they can be utilized most efficiently. IE: Use small objects for small holes. Big objects for big holes -I want the 90 and 180 degree perimeter walls to be made out of stone, no walls. On top of the stone should be walls without a symbol slanted at about 70 degrees or so. - Each of the 4 base walls should be labeled, and extend from the upper ring to a distance of approximately 1.5 wall lengths. - Once you are done walling things off, adding weapons, respawn points, spawn points, and the rest, add the structure in the sky if you have objects left over. It isn't being used, so you can ghost merge it. Just make sure it looks good.
Ok well just send me the link to the fileshare and I'll get to work on it ASAP. And I'll send you a bunch of pictures of the different parts of the map when I'm done to get your approval.
sounds good, very in depth description.. the one, one -one, one one thous thing confused me though :S
The use of time for measurements is split up into fourths. All four of those words there are one fourth of a second. Naturally, you only say one one thousand two one thousand and so on.. After school today I'm going to my brother's college, and from there I'll upload the file to my share. Afterwards, I'll dust off the old x-box and get more details from halo two, such as respawn points, and different ways different gametypes work.
Ok. I should be able to work on it tomorrow morning. If you want, I can make the thread for you, too. If not, then I'll just hold some test or something on it and send some photos of gameplay to you.
Alright, I sent you the link. Let me know when you DL it so I can remove it. Once it's done, send me pictures of all of the work you have done (Walling, etc). I already know the work that I did is good. I just need to see what you add, and how you add it. Keep in mind, I don't want grenades to be able to slip under the walling, so you'll need to geomerge on the y-axis, Ghost merging is probably your best bet. You'll need to add roofs to each of the four rooms as well. Right now I'm at my brother's college, so I don't have access to the schematics of the map. Hold off on forging until I'm able to draw them up in paint. Unfortunately, I'm working today and tomorrow.. but I should have the schematics for you tonight. Naturally, credit with go to both you and I.. but PLEASE DO NOT publish the map until I give teh thumbs up. I have high expectations for this map, and I don't want it to be shoddy.
Guys, let this thread die. Aaronator already accepted the request. Jzzkc and Aaronator, take this discussion into PMs.