meetoo i am appearing off-line (it's the only way i can forge without being bothered every 5 minutes) but if you send a message i will join
I loved the few games I played on this last night. It was fun and there is really not much else like this in Halo. I'm looking forward to the final product and feel free to invite me if I'm online and you need an extra person for whatever.
Well the testing went well and I think all the major changes are complete! Now we can begin working on the post. Nokyard, I invited you a few times but i guess you really were offline lol
That was one one the funnest games Ive ever tested, I found it a lot more enjoyable than last time. I think there should be a time limit of 7 or 10 minutes, but other than that great job guys.
you can call it water pollo. really good idea and it is turning out great you should submit it to atlas and try and get it into a griffball double xp playlist
We've called it water polo from the start, but we didn't know if we could end up using that name or not until now
I slight roof might make hammers feasible. Not like you even need Griffball settings that much. This would make an amazing swords/Stab-Out match by itself. Finish it faster so I can play!!
do not do that Atlas does not accept Grifball or Infection maps the maps have to go through me first, but it may take a while before Mythic 2 maps are added to the playlist - hopefully this map/game is good enough to make that happen
This map has been released. Feel free to go check it out for yourself. Click HERE for FH thread to Water Polo AKA grifball of the sea