So, for whatever reason my forge has issues... There are two in particular that can get really irritating. The first one occurs when I try to start a new round in a forging session. After about 20 new rounds, when I go to press new round, it will instead end the game. I've checked to make sure that I am pressing 'start new round', not 'end game'. So, if I haven't saved, much of my progress will be erased. The second problem is less frequent, but it occurs when I try to make an object float by saving the changes and ending the game. It doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes it will erase all progress that I had done in that entire forging session. For example, If I place two walls and try to make something float, neither walls will be there and neither is the floating object. Have any of you had either of these occur to you? If so, is there a way you fixed it? Any tips would be greatly appreciated, these are really hindering my forging. Thanks in advance!
For the first problem, just do what I do. Save every single time before and and after you start a new round. Every time. The second problem I can only assume would be you forgetting to save and then ending the game.
I have had the same problems before... For the first one. Halo 3 forge ends after a certain number of rounds. I think it is 32 or something like that. Save often and try to do no more than 10 rounds at once and just always save a lot. That is the games problem for ending, but yours for not saving. The second is just you forgetting to save. I ocasionally forget to save or get preoccupied while doing so. The simple answer is just save again if you are doubtful if you saved. It has never hurt to save again. Happy forging
Samsies... Forge only has 32 rounds. The 2nd problem happens to me a lot on Sandbox,(skybox) with OLN objects. When you place an Original Object it acts a little weird. If this is the problem there is an easy fix. First, start a new round as usual and look for your two walls (or where your object should be) and look for their teardrop... the whiteish blueish teardrop associated with any object. If you found them then all is well... if they are not there then I can't help you. If and when you find their teardrops you probably can't highlight them... for whatever object you are having trouble with, spawn all of them... make the run time minimum match the run time maximum. The objects should not have spawned, or if they did it was way far away (for an OLN Map) stacked up somewhere. DO NOT GO AND INTERACT WITH AN OBJECT THAT SPAWNS WHERE IT SHOULDN'T HAVE. The teardrops where you placed the two walls should now be workable. Select the teardrop and "Spawn at start- Yes". Save changes. Start new round. If This was your original problem all is well. Yes?
Even though it's been answered.. I'm going to answer in detail for future reference in-case anybody else has this issue. Forge ends itself after 32 rounds. Why? Well you have to imagine, an X-Box is just like a computer. It has main memory, and secondary memory (RAM, Hard Drive for you programming illiterate). Once the main memory is filled up (and not committed to the secondary memory) it runs slowly and may have technical issues. At some point while planning halo, the programmers realized that after a certain duration, forge would put stress on the 360, and limited forge to 32 rounds, thus ending the game. Main Memory -> Volatile (It can be lost) Secondary Memory -> Not Volatile (Can't be lost) As for your second problem, it's probably just a matter with your saving habits. I have a similar habit when it comes to run time minimums. Basically, I leave the run time minimum at its highest and forget to reset it. Just work on saving the game and those two walls shouldn't disappear anymore ^.^
Actually the second problem could be different from what other are telling you. You might be clicking save as new map and when you do that it save the map with a 001, 002, 003, and so on to the name. In this case, you didn't lose the progress, you're just forging on the wrong map.
When he ended the game, if he's saved a new map, Forge automatically loads the last map you were working on.. in this case it would have been MAP 001 not MAP. Catch my drift? Im guessing hes just left spawn at start NO on the objects and with them being the original objects, its caught in the glitch. I occasionally have the objects appear for 10s then reset to where i placed them originally.. then when i set them to runtime minimum to the maximum it goes back to its proper place.
In that case, you can always just start a new round to get everything back to normal. He might be switching it to the original though because he isnt sure which is which.
Well I already knew about run time minimum and maximum and all of that, force spawning etc. So, I'm hoping that the second issue is just caused by my not saving.