Epsilon C19 Epsilon C19 is an Asymmetric map based on the Ground level of the Halo 3 Multiplayer map, Sandbox. It consists of two bases and stuff in the middle. Haha. But what really sets this map different is the landscape. Defender's base resides right next to a large cavern-type rock structure, which provides an interesting twist in gameplay. It is open, but well-protected at the same time. Attackers have a circular rock structure that resides on their side. It is a safe place for players to spawn and can even get their own high ground on to move on the offensive and protect their side of the map. This map also incorporates a teleporter system of Sender and Receiver Nodes for each team. Spoiler Attacker's Circle Defender's Cave Many of the other structures are designed to be natural rocks or fallen rock structures. There is a precarious ledge off to the side of the map which holds the Neutral Bomb, as well as a neutral Sniper. The Sniper is in a very open, and hard to reach area for a reason: The map is very open, and the Sniper can be a very useful weapon when seized, and it is definitely a prize to the team that manages to get it off the ledge in the first place. In the center lies a Neutral Rocket which is a useful power weapon to counter campers and also to counter Ghosts, which are given to each team. Spoiler Sniper Ledge Neutral Rocket Weapon Loadout 11 BRs (10 sec) 2 Plasma Pistols (30 sec) 4 Carbines (10 sec) 2 Bruteshots (120 sec) 1 Shotgun (1 clip, 180 sec) 1 Sword (180 sec) 2 Maulers (1 clip, 90 sec) 4 Plasma Rifles (10 sec) 1 Sniper Rifle (2 clips, 180 sec) 1 Rocket (1 clip, 150 sec) 14 Plasma Grenades (20 sec) 4 Frag Grenades (20 sec) 2 Regens (120 sec) 2 Bubble Shields (120 sec) 2 Ghosts (180 sec) _______________________________________ And for those of you intrigued, here are the rest of the screenshots for you to feast your eyes on. Defender's Side Inside Spawns Inside Spawns 2 D-Sender D-Reciever Rock Crater, Overshield Attacker's Side Inside Spawns Inside Spawns 2 O-Sender O-Reciever Circle Rock, Active Camo Download Link: Epsilon C19
Without a doubt one of the most original and unique looking mid-tier maps I've seen yet. I downloaded immediately after seeing the overview. The rock formations give off a natural feel to the map making it seem less like a bunch of random structures and more like actual rocks. I'll most definitely do a forge through and test of this map in the near future.
Dear god that is amazing. A huge step up from your other maps. I might just download for those huge rocks. But, other than that, superduper, you have certainly outdone yourself. Obviously had some fun with ghost merging? EDIT: I know some names have nothing to do with their maps (eg: Scobra's Mudkip Farm) but isn't Epsilon a star?
Well, I actually had this map in the making well before some of my maps, specifically Onyx and Frostbite (my Avalanche map, still in the works by the way). The original design for this map is similar to what I have posted here, but the center has gone through many renovations. The bases have remained the same throughout, but I couldn't come up with ideas for a good rest of the map, and rather than giving up on it, I got an inspiration from relic from Halo 2. It is one of my all time favorite Halo maps and the map is entirely landscape, which is what I incorporated here. That was the best part, that it was mostly natural structures. Anywhos, glad you like. Let me know if you have any concerns regarding spawns and such. As far as looks, I can agree most definitely. I haven't been able to test this map yet, but Onyx and Spectre play rather nicely, in my opinion. Check them out in Atlas sometime. But I did put much effort into this one after a long time of messing around with ideas. The actual final idea for the map only took like...2 or 3 days to make (thank you the genius who came up with Ghost merging). I did have fun Ghost merging getting some cool structures here, but i have to say, the most work went into the bases. They were forged without ghost merging Thank you though, for your opinion Again, if you guys find any issues with spawning or being able to get on that Rock structure, let me know ASAP. I tried to make it impossible to get on top of. I came up with the name 1) because it sounded cool, and also because I felt that this could come from a made up place in the Halo Universe. Check out the map description and you can see how it ties in with the map name. Oh, and Epsilon is a Greek letter, I believe. It is also a math term.
It looks really amazing, i have yet to dl so i can't comment on the feel of the map but it seems very natural. I love open maps with bamf aesthetics so of course im gona download. only thing is the 0 sender and receiver node seems kinda exposed just like put there with no actual dimensions around it. Other than that little detail it looks beast.
Holy Crap man. Beautiful Map dude. Look Intense for Ctf and slayer. Definately Donwloading. Nice Work with the merging. 5/5 Best Slayer Map I ever seen this month. thanks for making the map totally Good. this may give me a feeling that Cant explain which I've only seen with one other map. Nice job. Unbeliveably amazing.
Huh.... gentlemen...what has ghostmerging done to us... -_-.. The map is obviously well forged but I did a play through of it and it just seemed in game that the structures where just random thinks ghostmerged together to make it look moderately cool.... The bases are very well made and I like them because they seem to be planned out and stuff but the rest just look like...detached pieces of stone ****..(no offense of course) Idk dude..maybe Im just freaking out because architecturally the map is a complete dud but the gameplay played fairly well0 I just didnt like the atmosphere whatsoever but that might just be my personal taste- Ill give you a 3.5/5 because really people.. you really cant give a map with a lot of geomerging only a good score anymore because ghostmerging is so easy.. =/
The teleporters are more there for gameplay enhancements, keeping the competitive flow of the map going and making it easier to traverse the map, since it is a very open map. Is there a suggestions as to how I could make them better? Just because Ghost merging is easy, doesn't mean a map is bad, dude. I don't want this map to be liked just because it was merged, either. I would prefer if people liked it because the thought it looks cool and/or it plays well, which was my main focus when designing the map: to create an open map with unique structures that plays well too. I always try and include some sort of uniqueness too a map I make. The bases were actually what took the most time to make. They weren't Ghost merged and I wanted to make good bases for players to defend and play around in. The rocks I have littering the map are there by design. The map was designed to be an open map with natural rock structures. The landscape of the map was entirely intentional. It is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but nothing on this map was lazily made or "just thrown about". And again, just because it was ghost merged, doesn't mean this is a bad map. Now if you played and gameplay was unbalanced to a certain degree, then it would make more sense. Also, there are times when it is obvious objects are just thrown about, like Default Sandbox for example.
This is why sandbox was made, for people to build something that looks more like valhalla than foundry. To see someone finally use asthetics so great that it looks natural is incredible. This made me so happy to see until I looked at the weapons and vehicles. You built a map that could actually support complicated warthog driving and all you added were two ghosts!?!?!? And no I do not like your map just because you merged, but because you merged perfectly. Finally could you find a name that does not involve numbers so its easier to remember and more original (I think I have seen epsilon before)
10/10 If I cannot have this map I will blow my head off. This forging is an example of what happens when TDF and Sargeant Sarcasm have a baby. I like the fact that you made such objects with ease. (Well. It probably wasn't that easy. XD) The gameplay is definitely going to be great when I download and play this. The structures really look like part of Sand Box. The Geomerging on The Circle rock by the AC is a personal favourite. The balance of weapons is A LOT better then most maps around here. I like the original layout and structures for their Please don't stop making maps like this. This deserves a feature. Keep it up!
On blue side or what i think is blue the tele's are great, they are encolsed and seem to have a corridor making them look like a gateway on red side how ever, i know probably due to budget they are just put, The best thing i could tell you is the one behind rockets should be put in a little cleft like it is but turned so you don't have to run behind the structue to get to it. As for the other side just if possible add more enclosure to it and maybe put the reciever end in a different spot. Text pic time If i were you i would have done this x = defense node y = offense node . = map ...........x...................... ...................y.............. ................................... ................................... .x..............................y
Well you certainly have created some impressive geometry and a very unique map as a result. It does look somewhat open but I will download when I get the chance and hopefully will be back with some more feedback.
I've got to download this, who doesn't like a map with a cave in it? 5/5. It seems some what innovative to me because I have never seen a cave on a map before that looked this good.
Well thank you for your support I'm having an issue with the Sniper, so I hear, so that might be the only weapon that needs a little balancing, but I'm going to give it a test run and see how the map plays as is. I'm glad you like it. Oh don't worry, I can't be done making maps. Too many ideas boggle in my mind. Well, if I am reading your diagram correctly (please tell me if I'm not), your setup would make it too easy to cross the map and players would most likely only use the teleporters. I wanted them to be there, but not the main focus of the map. I also wanted them to be out of the way of where players would normally go, so as to make strategies different and player movement to not be focused on the teleporters. Also, I felt that the Attacker's teleporter nodes are in the best possible spots they can be gameplay-wise. I look forward to any and all feedback The openness was by design, but the whole map isn't open for a reason. Many of the main power weapons and faster areas to travel through are in the open areas of the map, especially the Sniper and Rocket. Thanks for hcecking it out The cave wasn't actually planned, so i think it came out rather well for being unplanned I haven't seen a cave in a map before (except Blood Gulch, of course), although the inspiration for the cave came from Relic from Halo 2 (there was a large rock hill where the Attackers spawned) and also from the Conquest map, The Hollow, which I have played some awesome games on, I must say. Thank Bungie and the creator of The Hollow for the inspiration